Testimony | June 10, 2024 | God's Daily Reflection | Matthew 12:38-39
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” 39 He said to them in reply, “An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
How often do we ask for "a sign" to see if something is real? When I turned to daily scripture reading and praying, it was because I was so desperate for an answer, an explanation - anything to explain why I felt so lost at the time.
Admittedly, while my prayer life was often, opening my Bible was not. I opened it "occasionally" not realizing at the time that each time I did open it was the Holy Spirit guiding me. In fact, I had no idea that I had the Holy Spirit with me all my life.
Oh, but wait.... I thought you said that not everyone has the Holy Spirit. Correct, I did say that in one of my earlier blogs. It's because of who I am that the Holy Spirit has been with me my entire life and not only that, but God’s Spirit also is a very strong and powerful Spirit that is focused on love, discipline, healing and manifestation. It's because of my faith in God.
"Prove that you experienced this magnificent Spiritual Awakening!"
I can just "hear" some of your thoughts. I can sense you from far away...."What is she talking about?" "Does she really think she is a God?" Is God really her husband? Prove it! Prove it!"
I don't blame you, sometimes, I too, am testing and speaking out loud to see if Spirits are still around me. I do it as a reality check and God knows. I must stay so focused on reading with no distractions to blog about this. Do I still experience "Spiritual Warfare" that distracts me from writing? Oh, heck, of course I do! I must really focus to get myself back on track. What I do is this: I read scripture and most of all, I pray to God:
"God, I thank you for everything you give to me and most of all I thank you for taking care of me, my home, my vehicle, my health and my children. All that matters to me, your and our relationship most importantly. Help me to get focused on my work. Please take away my worries and stress over finances and bills. I discern you want me to "write!" and I am trying, and while I am fasting, I pray for success in all things. Please draw me closer to you, to your Spirit and to my Spirit team that is stepping up from all over the universe and universes. I am so grateful for your presence in my life and home; for you bringing everyone together to help steer me onto the right path and keep me there so I can manifest what Your Will is for me. Help me to be focused on you, your love for me and your patience, kindness and discernment. I say this in your name, Always, Amen"
When you are feeling stuck yourself or when you feel as though you need to see a sign, pray to receive the Holy Spirit first and then say that prayer. It's powerful and it works.
You don't need a sign from me that what I experienced/experiencing is real - just read over the 60+ blogs that are on this website that are riddled with scripture, God's word and testimony to what I have experienced. Accept the Holy Spirit into your being, pray and read scripture. To really break open into what I experienced, fast - and let God guide you on what you should eat during your fast. For me, fasting is a light meal in the morning, followed by whole foods for lunch and no eating at all past 3pm - 10am the following morning. I do this for the first few days of each fast, mimicking what I experienced over the 7-months of the extremely intense Awakening experience until I reach the period where it's one, small meal, water and vitamins. I stay focused on God, praying and scripture. I try to keep to myself, listen to music and very focused on God.
I don't need to show anything else other than my writing - my testimonies as a sign of how real God is. Please just read what I am sharing.....God is so very real and every word and thought you have is recorded by Him and his angels. If you ever experience a Spiritual Awakening like I have, you will better understand and if not, I will continue to share my experiences and lead you the best I can.
Significance of Matthew 12:38-39
Demand for Signs:
- The scribes and Pharisees were religious leaders who demanded a miraculous sign from Jesus to prove His divine authority. Their request indicates a lack of faith and a desire for tangible proof, despite the miracles Jesus had already performed.
Condemnation of Unbelief:
- Jesus calls the generation "evil and adulterous" because they seek signs out of unbelief and skepticism rather than faith. This reflects a spiritual adultery where they are unfaithful to God, seeking proof rather than trusting in Him.
The Sign of Jonah:
- Jesus refers to the "sign of the prophet Jonah," which is a prophetic sign pointing to His own death, burial, and resurrection. Just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, so would Jesus be in the heart of the earth (referring to His resurrection after three days).
Prophetic Fulfillment:
- The reference to Jonah highlights the continuity between the Old Testament prophecies and Jesus' mission. It indicates that the ultimate sign of Jesus' authority and divinity will be His resurrection, fulfilling the prophecy and validating His identity as the Messiah.
Rebuke of Superficial Faith:
- This passage underscores the importance of genuine faith and a relationship with God, rather than a superficial reliance on miraculous signs. It rebukes those who only believe based on signs and wonders without true spiritual conviction.
Matthew 12:38-39 emphasizes the necessity of faith over the demand for miraculous signs. It points to Jesus’ resurrection as the ultimate sign of His divine authority and fulfillment of prophecy, encouraging believers to trust in God's plan and revelation through Jesus Christ. This passage serves as a reminder that true faith does not seek signs but believes in the testimony of God’s Word and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
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