Frequently Asked Questions: All About God

On our website and via social media, we value transparency and strive to address your inquiries with clarity and precision. Rest assured, every question receives our thoughtful consideration, and we endeavor to provide comprehensive answers that reflect our commitment to honesty and transparency.


For me, yes.

It varies. On average, I am in prayer 1 - 4 hours; and between prayer, reading scripture, researching and writing, I can easily spend 6 + hours a day focused on God.

When I was experiencing the more intense part of my Spiritual Awakening as well as the beginning (August 2023 - March 2024), I was in prayer/discernment up to 20 hours a day.

I've recorded myself speaking Ancient Thai, Sanskrit and other similar ancient languages.


I have been working with OpenAI and Google translate, but some ancient languages are not known to either platform.

Sometimes when I pray, I am actually praying in different languages and sometimes combined different languages.

I have recorded myself speaking Ancient Thai, Sanskrit, Arabic, Maori & Punjabi.

When I channel God's Voice thoughts come to mind, and while I am channeling/speaking His voice, I am discerning thoughts and then asking Him in my mind if what I am discerning is accurate.

On May 16th, 2024, I was approached by an Angel. I saw her spirit, and before I knew it, she had control of my voice - by the power of God's Spirit which I could sense was in the room.

Yes, I am able to channel angels in both female and male voices.

I see their spirits. It's hard to describe; I'm better off drawing a picture than I am trying to describe in text what I saw.

I typically see a cluster of white lights and I see shadows. I've seen white mist, spirits in bright green and fuschia and I've seen a 5' black shadow move across the ceiling of my dining room and immediately discerned that to be God's Spirit.

From my experience, YES. Every thought I had, every thought someone had about me and ALL my memories were played back over the course of several months.

Make no mistake about it......God knows each and every thought you have ever had AND he knows each and every thought anyone else has had of you.

This will differ widely from person to person. Individual experiences with the mortal realm vary greatly. It could be your first earthly journey or one of many cycles. Your soul might have diverse experiences or hold roles beyond the physical plane. It's conceivable you've lived multiple lives across time and space. Jesus' core teachings underscore the evolution of our eternal souls, emphasizing the significance of mortal experiences for growth and integration.

What I interpreted from my Spiritual Awakening is the process of soul and spirit creation is one of proprietary measures. When my memories were being "played back," I recall seeing myself on a planet that is full of "life creation," but it is not something that is shared or spoken about.

When I work with Clients, I tap into the Akashic Records and I've been able to discern Clients as young as less than 100 life existences and as old as over 40,000 life existences.

Because of His love for us and His understanding of our nature, He typically refrains from altering the outcomes of our decisions. If He compelled us to always choose correctly, our ability to evolve and fulfill our spiritual potential would be hindered.

Embracing faith in Him and His vision for our fulfillment would become unattainable.

Soul identity refers to the unique essence or core self of an individual that persists beyond physical existence. It encompasses one's consciousness, personality traits, memories, and spiritual essence, believed by some to transcend lifetimes and physical forms. It reflects the eternal aspect of a being, distinct from the transient experiences of a single lifetime.

You may be a human soul, trying to break through, or something far older here for a specific reason.

  1. Consciousness and Awareness: Soul identity involves the fundamental awareness and consciousness that underlies an individual's existence. It represents the deeper sense of self-awareness beyond the confines of the physical body.
  2. Personality Traits and Characteristics: It includes the unique personality traits, characteristics, and qualities that define an individual's nature and behavior. These traits are believed to be intrinsic to the soul and may manifest consistently across different lifetimes.
  3. Memories and Experiences: Soul identity incorporates the memories and experiences accumulated by an individual throughout their journey across lifetimes. These memories contribute to the growth and evolution of the soul, shaping its understanding and perspective.
  4. Spiritual Essence: At its core, soul identity embodies the spiritual essence or divine spark within each individual. It represents the interconnectedness with the universal consciousness or divine source from which all life originates.
  5. Transcendence of Lifetimes: Soul identity is thought to transcend the limitations of a single lifetime, persisting beyond physical death and rebirth. It carries forward the accumulated wisdom, lessons, and evolutionary progress of the soul from one incarnation to another.
  6. Eternal Nature: The concept of soul identity emphasizes the eternal nature of the soul, which exists beyond the temporal realm of time and space. It underscores the notion that the essence of a being is infinite and immutable, transcending the boundaries of mortality.
  7. Distinction from Transient Experiences: While individual lifetimes may be characterized by transient experiences, challenges, and achievements, soul identity remains constant and unchanging. It represents the enduring essence of a being amid the flux of temporal existence.

By acknowledging the profound depth and continuity of soul identity, individuals may cultivate a deeper understanding of their spiritual nature and purpose, facilitating personal growth, self-realization, and alignment with their higher selves.

Sidney has a specific plan and purpose and she is openly sharing her spiritual awakening that has led to her God given plan and purpose.

Soul evolution refers to the ongoing process of growth, development, and spiritual advancement experienced by an individual's soul across multiple lifetimes. It encompasses the journey of the soul as it learns, evolves, and expands in consciousness through various experiences and lessons encountered in different incarnations. Soul evolution is often associated with the idea of progressive enlightenment, where the soul gradually awakens to higher truths, deeper insights, and greater levels of awareness. This evolutionary journey may involve overcoming challenges, learning from mistakes, cultivating virtues, and striving towards alignment with divine principles.

Ultimately, soul evolution is believed to lead towards greater levels of spiritual maturity, wisdom, and unity with the divine source (God) from which all life originates.

It starts by asking the Holy Spirit to come into your life: your mind, body and soul. A Prayer you can say is the following:

"Come Holy Spirit, and baptize me with the fire of Your Love. I have surrendered to the best of my ability, and now I want to be filled with Your Spirit. I need Your power in my life. Please come, and fill me, now." I say this with love in your heavenly name, Amen - Eternally ~

From there, pray to Jesus asking for repentance of all your sins. A good prayer for that is: "Dear Lord, thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for not abandoning us to our mistakes, but for reaching out instead to bring us home. Help convict me of sin and help me accept your mercy without shame. Thank you for the love you have poured out for me and all of your children. Help me live out of that love today. In Jesus' Name, Amen"

It is crucially important that you leave your old life behind you - cast out all sin; anything that kept/keeps you apart from God and live as righteously as possible. No more cursing, no more drinking, drugs or smoking. No promiscuous sexual relations. Strive for purity. Just you and God - love, mercy, kindness, respect for your mind, body and soul. Now you are ready for God's Will.

Say this prayer to accept His Will: "Father, I thank You that you know the intensity of my struggle when Your Will conflicts with my desires. Give me strength to believe Your promises, embrace Your commands, and bear the burdens You call me to carry. I pray that You will help me to do Your revealed Will fully, gladly, and immediately." I saw this with love, Amen, Eternally ~

This is important: after these prayers, take a deep breath and breathe in the Holy Spirit. Say to yourself or out loud, "I fully accept the Holy Spirit into my heart, mind, body and soul."

Lastly, make a conscious effort to discern with the Holy Spirit daily. Pray and the first thought that comes to mind, say it to yourself. It will take some time to perfect, but worth living according to the Holy Spirit.

For Sidney, she realized early on when she turned to prayer and reading scripture that she "attracted" spirits inside of her home. As a high level empath and someone who is very intuitive, she began to sense and feel spirits near her and then practiced channeling. Later she became a Certified Reiki Master.

It was after praying to God and being tested that He revealed Himself to her through her journaling and discernment of thoughts.

It was then she knew that she had the Holy Spirit inside of her so she immediately set up a communication protocol in case she ever lost the ability to discern thoughts from a deep conscious level.

Sidney talks about this God given gift in these Blogs.

Pray to God and ask Him to communicate with you via "feelings and sensations; itches and touch" using your body.

The right side of your body can represent "yes" and the left side of your body can represent "no."

Be very careful with this type of communication, pay particular attention to the answer that you are seeking. Pray and ask God if it's accurate if you are unsure or if the "answer" doesn't seem right to you.

You can also pray that God uses your body in the following manner:

- deep sigh: means "yes; confirmation"

- yawn: means the same

- hiccup: "confirmation"

Now, just because you don't receive any confirmation doesn't necessarily mean that it's a "no" or "not right" situation.

This is where your intuition should kick in and it's okay to say to someone that is asking an important question to you, "Can you give me a moment to get back with you, I need to pray on it."

Pray on it and let the Holy Spirit guide you.

God communicates with us through dreams, premonitions, discernment of thoughts, music and visions.

He also uses Spirits to communicate and guide us and He will use another faithful, loyal Believer to deliver messages directly to us.

Sidney here.

Because the experience unlocked several memories and visions that only God and I know. I have seen Him and I discern that I am the only person that has ever seen Him.

I am now very aware that His Spirit lives within me. The body language is very, very strong and grows stronger by the day.

God doesn't have a preference and frankly, neither do I. I do read read the Bible, Tanakh and the Qur'an - and I believe in God, Jesus being the Son of God and the Holy Spirit but I don't claim a particular religion nor can I say any are the *right* one.

All you must believe in is God. Pray to Him, talk to Him - ask the Holy Spirit to come into your mind, body and heart. See the Question, "How can I also hear the voice of God?" above - and say those prayers.

Develop a relationship with God. Buy the New American Standard Bible and open it up to where I lead you to open. The NASB is an original translation from the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. Read the Bible every day and pray to God and ask if what you are reading is true.

If you have any questions, come back to this website and submit a question.

God: First, you are beautifully and wonderfully made and God has loved you since forever.

You are a man or a woman. You may also feel gender-neutral. You may be confused about your sexual orientation and that's okay. Pray to God and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart, mind, body and soul.

See the question: "How can I hear the voice of God?" and say those prayers.

Love is the greatest gift we can give each other and God wants you to choose heaven and to return home.

There are 22,000 universes that each contain 2 galaxies and therefore there are thousands of heavens. In Universe 2 - there are 3 heavens - and the 2 highest heavens, from which I am originally from, are literally "sun and clouds" heavens. They are absolutely, beautifully created. They are perfect.

Heaven is a very sophisticated planet. Our technology surpasses what you can find on earth. It is full of very intelligent beings. We have animals, planets - everything your planet earth has, we have on heaven and more.

There is a day and there is a night. There are seasons. Imagine taking your entire family skiing in the mountains and not worrying about having to pay for anything. Everyone lives rich, satisfying and rewarding lives.

Everyone is full of love, kindness and gratitude. You die on earth and are born into your heavenly body where you are free from disease, sickness or anything that can hurt you.

And if you are hurt, you immediately heal. We do have healthcare, but rarely is it needed.

In the mountains, for example, the air is so clean. The water is pure enough to drink from the source. Birds and other creatures are not afraid of you because they know you will not hurt them.

God lives in a castle with family. Angels live with us.

There are no politics, no religion, no division, no hatred and no negative energy.

People talk, love, laugh, hold hands.....everyone is healthy and happy.

It's a very, very beautiful and peaceful paradise.

This all being said, heaven is not for everyone. Many souls on earth are still regenerating and when you die, most of you will simply regenerate onto a new existence with no memory of your former existence.

Only old souls pass onto heaven and those who from other planets, return to their planets once they pass away from earth.

There is also no such thing as "time." There is a day and a night. Time is organized, but it's not pressing.

God: The answer is no.

If you live a life of deceit, cheating and murder. If you treated others around you horribly, if you abused your family and children....and never once came to me, God, and asked for forgiveness, I will not forgive you.

If you tried to live your life as righteously as possible, if you asked for forgiveness and if you loved me as I have loved you, I will forgive you.

Too many people come to Jesus and/or God and ask for forgiveness of their sins and then continue to sin what they were just forgiven for.

Please stop doing this as forgiveness will not be done in vain.

Nothing bad, if that is what you are wondering.

You will live out your life and die. Your soul and spirit will regenerate and you will be born again into a new body.

To get to heaven, one must believe that heaven exists as it surely does. It is, our goal, to return Home and Home IS Heaven or a different planet altogether.

Jesus was the Son of God and a human being. He had the Spirit of God inside of Him, and with that came God powers.

At the time, he was the God who reigned on earth. It was the Holy Spirit that arose him from death 3-days later.

Jesus was a human being, a highly evolved one, with the Holy Spirit.

Yes, you have both.

Generally, the soul is often considered the essence of a person, including their mind, will, and emotions, while the spirit is associated with a higher, transcendent aspect, often linked to consciousness and connection with the divine.

In some beliefs, the soul is seen as the eternal part of a person that continues after death, while the spirit may be considered the breath of life or the animating force within a living being.

A soul/spirit that has lived thousands of life cycles aka lifetimes/existences.

A highly evolved being typically refers to an individual who has undergone significant personal or spiritual development, leading to a heightened level of consciousness, wisdom, and compassion. These individuals may have transcended many of the limitations and ego-driven behaviors commonly found in human society, embodying qualities such as empathy, altruism, and inner peace.

Their evolution often involves deep self-awareness, spiritual practices, and a commitment to serving others and contributing positively to the world.

If you are a Highly Evolved Being, you are prone to a Spiritual Awakening more than someone who isn't highly evolved.

HEB's are extremely intuitive, empathetic and intelligent. These beings are very connected to the Source; to God for they have lived thousands of life existences.

Celestials are regarded as "higher-ranking" than angels.

It's possible that your soul as evolved to the point to where you have earned the right to be a Celestial.

Celestial Beings are Highly Evolved Beings; they are not just human beings.

This being said, Highly Evolved Beings are Human, but they have supernatural talent, spiritual gifts, strength, intelligence and empathy. They are either strong Extroverts or Introverts.

God "speaks" to those who listen and do as He desires.

The discernment of thoughts from the Holy Spirit is not an easy thing to do. One must be peaceful and focused on God 24/7.

I work from home and my environment is very peaceful and quiet. My soul is peaceful and quiet. When I am writing, it is silent in my home so I can discern God properly. Otherwise, there is no way I could "hear" what God is saying to me. This is all strictly discernment. I don't ever "hear voices in my mind."

The best way I can share with you my experience is that there are two levels of discernment from what I experienced:

1. I literally discerned thoughts that were "heard" clearly. It was a deep conscious level of thought interpretation; telepathic communication for sure.

2. The other way is extremely deep conscious level to the point where one may question whether or not they are even hearing the "Voice of God" for it may seem more like "their thoughts."

3. In March 2024, after praying to God about "better communication that is reliable and therefore more accurate, I began "channeling God" and that developed into what I refer to as "vocal discernment" where I can literally have a conversation with God. He speaks a heavenly, ancient language that is translated, at times, into English within thoughts. When I speak, however, I want to emphasize that I am speaking a heavenly, ancient language. I am not speaking in tongues. I have several recordings of me channeling God.

Most people, who have the Holy Spirit, experience #2.

#1 can be chaotic - for you are not only discerning communication with the Holy Spirit, but other spirits as well and people. I discerned thoughts from all over the world; some knew and some didn't. I instinctively knew to inform those who I could "hear," that I could discern their thoughts and I would refocus to the God. #3, however, I cherish and I am honored to have this level of communication with God due to the accuracy.

It's truly the most remarkable thing I have ever experienced and I am so humbled, thankful and blessed.