Testimony | God's Daily Reflection | Isaiah & The Prophetess

by Asherah Alexandria Tsarine

Today's reflection is an important one as it reflects on not only the calling of Isaiah as mentioned in the Bible, but how his experience parallels not only my life, but most importantly, my calling.  

As with most everything I have written on this website, God led me to the beginning of Isaiah in the Bible.  I discerned, as if He said, "Here, read this - do you see how this applies to you?"  And sure enough, what He led me to not only applies to me but opens my eyes to perhaps what I have been trying to make sense of in regard to what I experienced for 7-months (and counting!) and what new direction I need to focus on for the glory and Kingdom of God.

Isaiah was active as a prophet during the reigns of five kings, but he did not set out to be a prophet.  By the time King Uzziah died, Isaiah may have been established as a scribe in the royal palace in Jerusalem. It was a respectable career, but God had other plans for his servant. Isaiah's account of God's call leaves little doubt about what motivated the prophet for the next half century. His vision of God was unforgettable.  

The encounter with God permantently affected Isaiah's character. He reflected the God he represented. Isaiah's messages - some comforting, some confronting--are so distinct that some have guessed they came from different authors.  Isaiah's testimony is that the messages came from the only One capable of being perfect in justice as well as in mercy--God himself. 

When he called Isaiah as a prophet, God did not encourage him with predictions of great success. God told Isaiah that the people would not listen. But he was to speak and write his messages anyway because eventually some would listen. God compared his people to a tree that would have to be cut down so that a new tree could grow from the old stump (Isaiah 6:13). 

Isaiah's Strengths and Accomplishments:  

  • Considered the greatest Old Testament Prophet 
  • Quoted at least 50 times in the New Testament 
  • Had powerful messages of both judgment and hope 
  • Carried out a consistent ministry even though there was little positive response from his listeners
  • His ministry spanned the reigns of five kings of Judah

Lessons From His Life 

  • God's help is needed to effectively confront sin while comforting people 
  • One result of experiencing forgiveness is the desire to share that forgiveness with orders
  • God is purely and perfectly holy, just, and loving 

Key Verse

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I. Send me!' " Isaiah 6:8


One day at a Birthday Party for a friend's son I got into a discussion with a few of her guests who were each a Prophet and Prophetess.  About 30 minutes into the conversation, the wife exclaimed to me out of the blue, "Have you ever considered becoming a Prophet?"  It struck me in such a way that I thought back to when I was a teenager and I had a strong calling to become a Nun, but dismissed the idea as I didn't think or wanted that to be my calling.  Back then, I was modeling and acting in school theater.  I wanted to become an actress more than anything, and becoming a Nun just wasn't on my radar or of my interest.  I always felt a strong connection to God and have always been a strong creative soul that has the ability to think long and intensely on subjects that interest me, which are many.  

I thought about what this woman had suggested, and while I was operating an "underground" food bank at the time serving single mothers, I wasn't sure that God was calling me as a Prophet(ess).  

What is a Prophet/Prophetess?

A prophetess is a female prophet, a woman who is believed to have a direct connection to the divine and is inspired to deliver messages, revelations, or prophecies from God or the gods. This role typically involves foretelling future events, providing divine guidance, and interpreting spiritual or divine will. The term is used in various religious and historical contexts, including in the Bible, where several women are identified as prophetesses, such as Miriam, Deborah, Huldah, and Anna.

In summary, a prophetess is:

  1. A Female Prophet: A woman who delivers divine messages.
  2. Divinely Inspired: Believed to have a direct connection to God or gods.
  3. Role in Guidance and Revelation: Involved in foretelling future events and providing spiritual guidance.

What are the duties of a Prophetess?  

The duties of a prophetess encompass a variety of spiritual and community roles, primarily focused on delivering divine messages, guiding people in spiritual matters, and interpreting the will of God. Here are some of the key duties and responsibilities:

  1. Delivering Prophecies: Prophetesses are responsible for conveying messages and revelations from God to individuals or communities. This can include foretelling future events or providing guidance on spiritual and moral issues. *I can attest that I can see into the future of this world and what is to come.  

  2. Spiritual Guidance: Providing counsel and direction based on divine inspiration. This can involve interpreting scriptures, offering insights into God's will, and helping others understand their spiritual path.

  3. Leading Worship: In some contexts, prophetesses may lead religious services, prayers, and worship ceremonies, especially those that require a deep connection with the divine. *I am open to public speaking engagements discussing what I experienced.

  4. Moral and Ethical Instruction: Teaching and encouraging adherence to moral and ethical principles as revealed through divine messages. This can involve admonishing people to live righteously and follow God's commandments.

  5. Interpreting Dreams and Visions: Often, prophetesses have the role of interpreting dreams and visions, which are considered messages from the divine. They help individuals understand the significance and meaning of these experiences.

  6. Community Leadership: Serving as leaders within their religious communities, prophetesses may play crucial roles in decision-making processes, offering wisdom and guidance in community matters.

Examples from Religious Texts:

  • Miriam: In the Bible, Miriam, the sister of Moses, is described as a prophetess who led the Israelite women in worship after the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 15:20-21).
  • Deborah: Also in the Bible, Deborah is noted as a prophetess and judge who led Israel and provided military and spiritual leadership (Judges 4-5).
  • Anna: In the New Testament, Anna the prophetess is described as a devout woman who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented at the Temple (Luke 2:36-38).

What are the Spiritual Gifts of a Prophetess?

A prophetess in a spiritual context is believed to be endowed with various spiritual gifts that enable her to fulfill her role of conveying divine messages and guiding others. Here are some of the primary spiritual gifts associated with a prophetess:

  1. Prophecy: The primary gift of a prophetess is the ability to receive and communicate messages from God. This involves foretelling future events, providing divine insights, and delivering God's guidance to individuals or communities (1 Corinthians 12:10).

  2. Discernment of Spirits: This gift allows the prophetess to distinguish between true and false spirits, understanding the spiritual sources behind various phenomena. It helps in recognizing God's voice and identifying deception (1 Corinthians 12:10).

  3. Wisdom: A prophetess often possesses the gift of wisdom, enabling her to provide profound spiritual insights and practical guidance. This helps others in making decisions aligned with God's will (1 Corinthians 12:8).

  4. Knowledge: The gift of knowledge involves receiving divine insights about situations, people, or events that are not known by natural means. It complements the gift of prophecy by providing deeper understanding (1 Corinthians 12:8).

  5. Encouragement and Exhortation: Prophetesses are often gifted in encouraging and uplifting others, providing motivation and support to stay faithful and pursue spiritual growth (Romans 12:8).

  6. Intercession: Many prophetesses have a strong calling to intercessory prayer, standing in the gap for others and praying fervently for divine intervention in various situations (Romans 8:26-27).

  7. Teaching: Some prophetesses are also endowed with the gift of teaching, helping to explain and expound upon spiritual truths and scripture in a way that edifies and educates the community (Ephesians 4:11-13).

  8. Healing: Although not as common, some prophetesses may have the gift of healing, performing miracles and bringing about physical, emotional, or spiritual healing through their ministry (1 Corinthians 12:9).

I will attest and confirm that I hold all these Spiritual Gifts plus many more that I refer to as God Powers as I discerned through my Spiritual Awakening.  

For years I had cried out to God to "bring me back home, knowing that home is not here on earth.......knowing that home is elsewhere," and at the same time, crying out to God to do "whatever it takes to get my attention."  God knows, He tried many things to get my attention.  The attack on my company caught my attention as I dove straight into reading scripture and praying.  One thing after the other and I found myself deeply in the spiritual world, discerning thoughts with God's spirit - the whole experience familiar, yet new.  The feeling that I was "trained for this" and yet discerning thoughts with numerous spirits while trying to "find the God that was/is my husband; family" has been a very powerful experience.  I keep hoping that my writing on this website gets the attention of others who may have had similar experiences/awakenings or those in the scientific community searching for answers to history's mysteries.  

I can easily be reading a book on history and pray to God a question and receive an answer.  It's the most incredible and unforgettable experience I've ever encountered in my life.  I've asked God several questions about evolution, our souls and He has blessed me with visions of the future that I've experienced all my life through dreams, not knowing at the time that those were visions that the most powerful Creator God placed inside of my mind for a reason.  

I think of Isaiah and how my life parallels to that of his.  

For over 20 years, I designed websites and launched and managed very successful PR and marketing campaigns.  Hosted events, parties and wine tastings to promote local businesses.  Attended fundraisers, experienced product placement, socialized with celebrities and have lived an amazing life.  I've done everything I've always set my mind to do without allowing money or the lack of it stop or prevent me from doing exactly what I envisioned.  

For over 7 months, from August of 2023 to March 20, 2024, experienced the most intense Spiritual Awakening where the Spirit of God is speaking to me, directly, and offering me incredible insight into life from the beginning of time and then learning, from Him, that I am a self-made Creator God.  That we "made each other" out of love for one another, from hope we created life and with our combined vision, now that He has placed destiny before me as his Prophetess, I am overwhelmed with gratitude stemming from my unwavering faith for Him and our Kingdom.

When you realize just how powerful God truly is...it opens the doors to yes, your destiny, and to the knowledge that not only can you have everything you've ever desired, but you can literally have God's Spirit next to you, guiding you along the way.

That is what I hope to bring and offer through this website and in offline speaking engagements: meetings, conferences, book tours and prophecy.

I will continue to write and share my testimonies and I look forward to the visions that God has placed on my mind, heart and soul to come true for the upcoming future.  

Just like Isaiah, I pray God continues to guide me.

God is right.  I discerned, "Write, for your words hold your destiny."  My destiny is literally unfolding with each new blog post I share about my testimony and the experience of my Spiritual Awakening with Him.

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  • Bible Context: The Bible mentions several prophetesses, such as Miriam (Exodus 15:20), Deborah (Judges 4:4), and Huldah (2 Kings 22:14). Each of these women played significant roles in delivering God's messages and guiding the people.
  • General Definition: Merriam-Webster defines a prophetess as "a woman who is a prophet" or "the wife or female companion of a prophet."