Testimony | Death is Painless | Childhood Trauma & Seeing God
When I think back to me being a child, on a wagon trail ride with my grandparents and sister, and the memory of riding on that older wagon with the older man, when the reins between the horse and wagon snapped, and he told me to "Jump!" - I tripped and fell on my back. Halfway under the wagon and far enough out to see the blue sky.
I've thought back to this memory so many times before and have shared it with many people over my lifetime. I never saw it as a NDE (Near Death Experience), because I don't remember what happened in that time between knowing I was going to die and then kneeling on the gravel, turning back and seeing the wagon had already reached the bottom of the hill and men were attending to the man that had been thrown off.
I was 7 years old at the time of the accident. I remember.... that wagon wheel, it was at the left side of my body. Just right there - and then, I don't remember anything other than kneeling on the gravel, turning around to see that the wagon had crashed.
There was no pain.
The world simply stopped for me in that moment.
I remember the sun was shining so brightly in the sky that day, I could draw a picture of what everything looked like around me from numerous angles as I've revisited this memory, in spirit, at multiple angles and times. Clearly, my Spirit or the Spirit of me was everywhere and that body was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
I believe now, after my Spiritual Awakening, and after praying and discerning thoughts with God on multiple occasions regarding this experience, was that I saw God as a child.
Even just now, I sit here at my desk, in my very quiet house, and I think back to that moment. Did I miss anything? Did I have a NDE or death experience? If I did, I don't remember, or rather, God hasn't released the memory.
What I do remember feeling was completely nothing. I was not traumatized by the event, I was in no pain, but I will not forget that time stopped that day.
I couldn't hear birds. I couldn't hear the people around me. It was just me, on the ground, with the wagon wheel to the left side of my body, the sun - the beautiful blue sky and then on the gravel kneeling. There wouldn't had been any time to get my body out from under that wagon, so the wagon had to have rolled over my 7-year-old body and crushed me.
Those few seconds is the equivalent of 6 hours in heaven as one day on earth = 1 year in heaven they say.
At that time before death or at death, you don't feel anything. There is no more pain, and this gives me peace knowing that when it is my time to die, my soul will leave this body and I will finally return Home.