Testimony | Sept 30th: "Loyola Church 1:30pm" - White Coat Ceremony | Revelation 19:11-21
Editor's Note: Like all the blogs from 2023, I was in the middle of a very chaotic spiritual experience where I felt, confirmed by God, that I was the avatar of Jesus Christ. Who am I to argue with God? I prayed to Him over the years, "If no one else will step up and take confirmation, if the world isn't ready to receive an accept the Second Coming of Christ, then I WILL step up and be a warrior for you!" I just felt, at the time, that I should do whatever it is that God was laying on my heart. I strongly felt if it all meant that we would get through the Book Of Revelation, and I could move onto heaven sooner (when I pass on), then I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. What is an Avatar? According to ChatGPT, "in the context of a person, an avatar can refer to a manifestation or embodiment of that individual, often in a digital or symbolic form."
BIBLE REFERENCE: Revelation 19:11-21
It was a Saturday morning, September 30th, 2023, and all week long my children had told me they were attending a "White Coat Ceremony" at Loyola Church at 1:30pm. This was about 4-6 days, give or take, after the experience in the field where I felt like Jesus on the cross. I was still coming to terms with everything, and had dove into praying and reading the Bible; both the app and a Bible that my grandmother gave me.
While I was sitting at the dining table, my dog goes to his water bowl and starts lapping water....loudly. It seemed to be making the most interesting sound that made me immediately think that the White Coat Ceremony was actually my son's baptism as the Second Coming of Christ. This thought prompted me to call my daughter and confirm the time of the "White Coat Ceremony" (which was in reality graduating nurses at Loyola's School of Nursing).
My daughter said, "Loyola Church 1:30pm" as clear as day and I don't know what prompted me to respond the way that I did other than I was having a hard time accepting the confirmation because I AM a woman and the Jesus we all know of is male. I thought that perhaps God was referring to my son who is 15- year old and rather perfect in many ways. I just wasn't sure if God was referring to me or him.
So, I took a shower and got dressed, choosing this beautiful light rose/tan dress that I had purchased a few months prior that I had intended to wear to a business dinner that never happened. I didn't apply any makeup, only facial moisturizer and brushed my wet hair back. I wanted to appear as clean as possible. I even left my cellphone at home, in my closet.
I grabbed my Bible, the Book of Life and a journal in case I needed to prove what God had confirmed to me and in case I needed to prove my children's legacy as well. Basically, I was prepared for anything and willing to accept anything that could happen: whether the Catholic Pope was going to be there, with my ex-husband's entire family - a secret ceremony that I wouldn't be surprised I wasn't invited too......I wasn't sure if I was going to rescue my son or stand there as a proud mother of a crowned son as our Lord & Savior or if I was the one that was going to be engulfed by fire and brimstone.
I get into my Jeep and starting driving towards the Causeway. The Causeway is 24 miles long and runs over Lake Ponchartrain. As I am on the Causeway, I am driving about 90-91mph. At one point, alongside me comes a large, white Sheriff’s truck who then pulled in front of me, leading me to Metairie. I recall looking at his truck and thinking to myself, "white horse." I was literally stuck on the idea that large, white trucks were "white horses" sent by God to protect or guide me during this time. Revelation 19:11 "Now I saw a heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war."
The striking thing about this verse is that it's intermingled with Queen Elizabeth I and my memories regarding. "Dudley arranged for Queen Elizabeth to visit Tilbury to announce his appointment and rally the troops on 9 August 1588." In today's time, I still possess a strong warrior spirit. I have often prayed to God, reconfirming to Him, that I am his faithful Warrior of God and when He needed me, I will be the first to go out and battle to protect whomever. So, on this day, and perhaps even sooner than that day, I was associating large, white trucks to large and strong white horses.
This intertwined Biblical scripture and my past memories have everything to do with this day. Revelation 19:12 "His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself." Last fall, after more heartache and my refusal to give up on life and love, I finally decided to move forward with a tattoo. It had been on my mind for awhile, I just hadn't reached the point where I was ready. Most of my friends were against it, and I insisted. No one can tell what it says when they are looking at me, nor could anyone really tell unless they are looking down on it from my perspective. It's on my right forearm, and reads: "Faith," and a cross to remind me of my faith for God.
That no matter how hard life is or becomes, no matter how lost I feel or no matter who abandons me, my Faith in God will be my rock; He will carry me.
Once we crossed over Lake Ponchartrain and now in Metairie, he took the 10-West exit and I took the bridge towards New Orleans. But….should I have followed the Sheriff to my destination? 1:30pm at Loyola Church, New Orleans - this is where I needed to be.
My children both told me the time and place. For whatever reason, I was under the impression that my son may be in danger, or that I needed to prove what God was laying on my heart. That I AM (the *avatar; Spirit of) Jesus Christ and as shared above, also willing to accept whatever God confirmed right there.
I was prepared to walk into a church, with the Bible and Book of Life in hand, journal and notes to either submit and lay down my life, if required, for either my son to be baptized Lord of Lords or for God to proclaim me as Jesus. Either way, I was prepared.
When the Sheriff drove the opposite direction, I panicked and thought to myself, “Wait! Are my kids being truthful?! Does the Sheriff know something that I don’t?!”
It was at that very moment when I got down to the bridge, with the 10 East towards New Orleans laid out wide before me, that I made a u-turn literally on the highway shoulder and then drove at top speed along the shoulder of oncoming highway traffic.
I’m not kidding.…..looking for the large, white Sheriff’s truck that I had seen that led me across the causeway.
About 10-15 min later, I realize that I need to stop, turn around and head towards New Orleans. At the time, I didn’t have my phone with me, so I didn’t have navigation or the ability to call anyone.
So…..I begin to slow down and look for a gap of traffic, on a highway that’s 4, perhaps 5 lanes of traffic….while praying hard for the traffic to STOP.
I see a gap, and the cars are slowing down. Perhaps they also knew that I needed to turn around….so I took the opportunity to turn around from the shoulder onto those lanes of traffic and narrowly missed a car that I had pulled in front of.
I’m sure it was quite the sight to all that witnessed it.
I then took to top speed again racing towards New Orleans with not much time to spare trying to find the Loyola Church.
For some reason, I had it in my mind that it could be the beautiful, historic church ON Loyola Street near the LSU Health & Science center. I kept praying to God, “take me to my son, take me to my son,” and He led me to St. Joseph’s church (pictured). Bewildered, the gates were locked and no one was there. There was also a gate around the church, but it was open in the back.
At the time, I was too focused on trying to find my son, so I got back in my Jeep and drove uptown to the Loyola Campus, thinking that the Catholic Church there was “Loyola Church,” but it wasn’t.
I then searched all of Uptown, Garden District, downtown and the French Quarter looking for the now elusive Loyola church with the time well past 1:30pm.
That day I came across 7 churches & finally came to the conclusion that the Loyola church must not exist and my children lied. Yet, I was so determined to find them. I pulled over in the French Quarter and pulled out my Bible. I spoke to two older gentlemen, one who gave me a hint and the other who couldn’t find the Loyola Church either.
I finally came to a rest near the Louie Armstrong Park. Sat there and prayed, read the Bible and was thinking over all aspects of that day……when it hit me:
- Joseph is the Earthly Father of Jesus
- Mary is the Mother of Jesus
God led me to St. Joseph’s for a reason.
The kids didn’t lie. God used them to partake a very important message onto me.……so, I drove back to the St Joseph church. Pulled into the parking lot, drove behind the church and along the right side (facing eastward) and that’s when I noticed that the parking spaces were numbered.
And I didn’t know why I expected the worst when I stopped my vehicle. I kept recalling the term, “baptism by fire,” and I literally thought that my vehicle would explode or I would get shot & killed. I thought to myself, “if I need to die, and be resurrected in order for everyone to believe that we are in the final days……then that’s what I will do.”
I then stopped that line of thinking and instead, thought to myself, “God didn’t bring me this far in this revelation, to have me killed.”
But I couldn’t shake that feeling that someone(s) were trying to kill me.
Since, the first time Jesus walked and preached he was persecuted for his beliefs and teachings. He carried that heavy cross through the streets while onlookers sneered and jeered. He was *nailed* to a cross, bolts driven through his wrists, a large bolt driven into his left foot which pierced his right foot, then he was stabbed on the left side of his body while the "crown" on his head pierced into his flesh. He bled out on that cross for your sins.
All of this happened. The past and present.
As I was sitting at the light of Loyola and whatever street that runs back to the highway, a car pulled behind me and I Immediately got the sense that *they were going to try and rob or shoot me. So, I drove in a defensive manner and prayed to God to protect me. They then took an exit. *God later confirmed to me that yes, their intention was to hurt me.
Then while on the entrance to the 10W Baton Rouge, I saw the largest dark red truck that I’ve ever seen racing up behind me……and I blocked him from being able to pass me. I blocked him to protect other drivers ahead of me.
I then raced out onto the freeway; far left lane, and the large dark red truck sped past me while a very new white turbo Porsche was chasing it.
The feeling of someone(s) trying to kill me didn’t end at that moment. I literally raced and dodged cars and a group of guys on motorcycles. I thought to myself, “okay, who wants more?!” Like I was going to draw a sword right then and there. Revelation 19:11-21
I finally got to the Causeway and had a “victory moment” when I was driving down the middle of the Causeway with a ton of traffic behind me, my Gladiator Jeep Truck in the middle of the two lanes, driving at exactly 69 mph (the age that Queen Elizabeth I died) and I felt victory for her and for God over a city that reminds of Babylon has depicted in the Bible.
Yes, this ALL happened in one day exactly on Saturday, September 30th, 2023.
I arrived back home disappointed that I couldn’t find my children, and that is the beginning of yet another experience in the Book of Revelation that was played out that evening.
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Note: this blog was edited on May 17th, 2024 and I want to point out that this was the beginning stage of a very intense Spiritual Awakening. I have over 58 Testimonies of living out various parts of the Bible in modern day. This is one of those Testimonies.