Testimony | Spiritual Awakening Plus A Kundalini Awakening | Matthew 4:1-11
I've been trying to best express the intensity of this experience by simply calling it a Spiritual Awakening, but it goes much deeper than that, so I've been researching other types of Awakenings. I must admit, never did I ever think I would experience a Spiritual Awakening, let alone a Kundalini Awakening.
I’d like to add the definition of a Kundalini Awakening for those who are also not familiar with such types of religious experiences. Disclaimer: I am not an active "yoga participant," do not study or practice Hinduism or Kundalini Yoga either. I am not even sure if there is a definition for what I experienced, but I'm determined to document this experience the best I can so if anyone else experiences something on this level, you will learn that you aren't alone (as I've felt and experienced directly through lost friendships and family relationships).
During a Kundalini awakening, people may experience:
- Physical sensations like warmth, tingling (check), disorientation, or discomfort
- Unbearably strong or electric energy - check
- Shaking), jerking, or spasms - check - it feels as though a spirit enters and leaves my body; it's a very interesting feeling that I've not felt before
- Sense of expansion or heightened awareness, perceiving reality in a more profound and interconnected way - check
- Spontaneous yoga poses or mudras (hand gestures) - not ever
- Feelings of blissfulness - in a euphoric kind of way; as I felt supremely happy to have discovered who I am
- Enhanced clairvoyance & psychic abilities - definitely; 100%
- More compassion and empathy. I've always been this way.
- Increased creativity. I've always been this way.
- Increased spiritual connection - check
- Feeling aligned and in the flow. - check
- Increased clarity on Creation, the Universe and God overall. - 100%
- The feeling and confirmation of immortality. - check
A Kundalini Awakening refers to the process of spiritual enlightenment and transformation, often associated with the awakening of the Kundalini energy, which is believed to reside at the base of the spine. This awakening can lead to profound spiritual experiences, heightened consciousness, and a deeper connection to oneself and the universe. It is often described as a powerful and transformative journey that involves the activation and ascent of this dormant energy through the body's energy centers (chakras), leading to spiritual growth and realization. Overall, the experience is often described as deeply transformative, leading to a greater understanding of oneself and the universe.
I read on a few other blogs that if you believe you are experiencing such an Awakening, you should absolutely work with a Spiritual Coach or Mental Health professional that is experienced in such spiritual and religious matters.
The negative aspect to such awakenings can lead to trauma that causes a person to shed their old skin and become a new person. Kundalini Awakening can cause psychological and emotional upheaval, including Intensified unresolved psychological conflict, fear of death or insanity, overwhelming mood swings, heightened sensitivity to others' moods, and confusion. Confusion is often involving spiritual involvement, discernment of thoughts and spiritual warfare.
Unfortunately for me, I really couldn't put into words what I was experiencing at the time and departed some disturbing thoughts to friends and family members. I thought, as I discerned these thoughts from a higher power or spiritual presence, that I was the Second Coming of Christ. This was the spiritual warfare aspect of the overall experience.
It's one thing to have the spirit of Jesus Christ combined with the Holy Spirit, it's entirely different to be Jesus Christ reincarnated. I had no support during my Awakening, so it was (12) twelve intense months of prayer, little sleep as I so focused on praying, praying and reading scripture to get myself through the experience.
As a professional business owner, I tried to maintain a positive appearance, even though I was discerning thoughts to "come out publicly" and share my experiences that would exclaim that I was Jesus Christ reincarnated. I never thought, not for one moment, that spiritual warfare could occur on this level of discernment of spirits: both good and evil.
My Christian-Judaism lifestyle is centered on being a good person, a strong woman of faith who relies on prayer, reading scripture and following in the footsteps of Jesus. I love God with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I had no idea that experiencing this sort of awakening would turn my world upside down and lead to some very embarrassing moments looking back.
I will share that God's Spirit was with me all along. I do not have any lasting emotional trauma wounds from what I experienced. I prayed to God through being persecuted to "erase the pain" and to keep me strong throughout. It is through Him that I was repeatedly saved from each situation.
I can't stress enough the need for surrounding yourself around supportive friends and family members. If you have none, reach out to me and I will be more than happy to support you - anything to keep you from experiencing what I did that led to the negative aspect of what is to be the most fulfilling and enriching experience of a lifetime.
Everything was stripped away from me the more I dug in and focused on God. Since I had no support, God was my only line of support.....in all ways: emotionally, physically, prayerfully and mentally.
And perhaps that was His plan all along so I would be focused entirely on God.
While in that heightened sense of prayer and spiritual awareness, I lost 40 pounds - excellent health, never hungry, rarely slept nor felt the need to sleep and I was praying in tongues and doing phenomenal spiritual work.
Visions collided with memories I've had since I was a child, past life memories came rushing back and I was discerning thoughts with the Holy Spirit as often as possible getting answers and then turning to prayer and scripture.
We are taught in the Christian environment to read, pray and pray for spiritual gifts. Here I am with a stack of spiritual gifts that other Believers would love to have; even if just one spiritual gift and I am being persecuted every which way I turn, so I would "dig in deeper, refuse to give up on God" and take it to the next level.
I was fighting for God as much as I was defending God.
Kundalini Awakening can also cause unusual or extreme emotions, distortions of thought processes, and detachment from typical thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Dissociation from one's own mental processes can potentially lead to delusions. Was I experiencing delusions when I was consistently being drawn to my neighbor’s house? I recall my memories of those experiences and I can 100% attest they were not mental delusions.
My reasoning for being there was 100% spiritual......a very real spiritual experience like what Jesus Christ himself experienced:
According to the New Testament, Jesus was tried three times and persecuted by Jewish chief priests and scribes. Earlier Jesus tempted by Satan (evil spirits):
- Temptation of Christ; *40 (forty) days in the desert
- Sanhedrin: Jewish leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy, claiming he insulted God by calling himself God's son
- Pontius Pilate: Roman prefect for Judea, who played a key role in Jesus's final trial
*The temptation of Christ is a biblical narrative detailed in the gospels of Matthew,[1] Mark,[2] and Luke.[3] After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus was tempted by the devil after 40 days and nights of fasting in the Judaean Desert. At the time, Satan came to Jesus and tried to tempt him. Jesus having refused each temptation, Satan then departed, and Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry. During this entire time of spiritual battle, Jesus was fasting. *Source: Wikipedia
*All four Gospels conclude with an extended narrative of Jesus's arrest, initial trial at the Sanhedrin and final trial at Pilate's court, where Jesus is flogged, condemned to death, is led to the place of crucifixion initially carrying his cross before Roman soldiers induce Simon of Cyrene to carry it, and then Jesus is crucified, entombed, and resurrected from the dead. In each Gospel these five events in the life of Jesus are treated with more intense detail than any other portion of that Gospel narrative. Scholars note that the reader receives an almost hour-by-hour account of what is happening. *Source: Wikipedia
*I spent a total of 50 days in Behavioral Centers. I received no formal testing for any diagnosis; have never been diagnosed with any sort of mental health issue prior or post. I even saw a MD/PhD who specializes in Behavioral Psychology to see if there was anything medically or psychiatrically wrong with me and there isn't. What I experienced is 100% Biblical AND spiritual.
I have no problem sharing this publicly because it's very much a part of the modern-day persecution of what I experienced as a faithful believer of God, a child of God. In fact, aren't all women God's daughters?
And just like Jesus,
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
The Gospels speak of a time of solitude for Jesus in the desert immediately after his baptism by John. Driven by the Spirit into the desert, Jesus remains there for forty days without eating; he lives among wild beasts, and angels minister to him. At the end of this time Satan tempts him three times, seeking to compromise his filial attitude toward God. Jesus rebuffs these attacks, which recapitulate the temptations of Adam in Paradise and of Israel in the desert, and the devil leaves him "until an opportune time…"[16] The temptation in the desert shows Jesus, the humble Messiah, who triumphs over Satan by his total adherence to the plan of salvation willed by the Father.
By all accounts, this is what I experienced and the modern-day version no less.
It's just as easy and direct to say that my experience was just like what Jesus Christ experienced.
- betrayal from friends: Matthew 26:50, Matthew 26:31-35, John 18:15-27 and Luke 22:59-62
- persecution: John 15:20, Matthew 5:10-12, Matthew 10:22, 2 Timothy 3:12
- mocking of Jesus: Luke 23:36-37, Matthew 27:27-31, Matthew 27:42
- those who didn't believe Jesus was the Son of God: 1 John 2:22
"If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!" "He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God!"
Are we not all children of God? Am I not a daughter of God? Are you not a son of God?
For faithful Believers, we are children of God, and we will be persecuted for our beliefs. *See verses above.
Concluding, my experience aligns with what Jesus Christ experienced in Biblical times.
Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
— Luke 17:20, 21
Michael Bowes, the Author to Luthar.com explains the role of Kundalini and Jesus Christ well on his website:
"Jesus did not teach that he had come to earth to be a sacrifice for men’s sins. He proclaimed the amazing message of the Kingdom of Heaven." He also commanded his disciples to proclaim the message of the Kingdom of Heaven/God, and as far as I know he did not instruct them to preach anything else. But what is the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God?
The biblical Greek phrase BASILEIA OURANOS should translate as— “the DIVINE POWER OF THE UNIVERSE”. Jesus’ message was about the “power of the universe”, The Cosmic Lord; not about an “earthly kingdom” or a “paradise” to be enjoyed after death. Jesus taught that the “divine power of the universe” or the “power of God” is within you. Jesus taught a version of pantheism (worship or reverence of the universe and nature). But Jesus also taught that the very power that manifests itself as the Universe is within you and can be experienced within oneself and that it IS one’s true SELF – the Self of All. He referred to this experience as the New Birth. The concept of the New Birth is also found in Hinduism and is expressed as DWIJA (the twice born)."
When Jesus replied to the disciples about the coming of the Kingdom (Acts 1:8), he stated that they would “…receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” By this statement Jesus related the “kingdom” to a “spiritual power”.
Jesus expressed the same fact in Mark 9:1.
And He was saying to them, “Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”
The apostle Paul asserted the same truth:
For the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power.
— 1 Corinthians 4:20
"Although it is referred to in many different ways the Kundalini Shakti plays a key role in all spiritual traditions. The principles are the same, the effects are the same; but the words and symbols used to express Kundalini differ. In the Judeo/Christian tradition Kundalini is known as the Holy Spirit, Living Water, Christ, the Anointing, the Word and by other terms as well."
I speak from experience; this phenomenal Spiritual & Kundalini Awakening has permanently opened my eyes to realization of who I AM.
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