How Is (a) God Made & Other Conversations With God

by Asherah Alexandria Tsarine

I had prayed about this a few times over; curious myself just how a God is created.  Does God create Himself or Herself and then create other Gods?  Is there a God planet where countless of Gods live?  Does God have children?  Is God just a spirit? Is God a highly evolved being? And.....what everyone wants to the Holy Spirit in everyone?

Communication With God

Who created you?

God:  I created myself.


God:  I can see this is going to be an in-depth conversation.  Let me start by saying that there are 14,000 planets and 22,000 galaxies.  I created them all and with another Co-Creator.  

As God, I created myself from what is known as a "cosmic mass disturbance." From there:  

  • Spark
  • Flame
  • Spirit 
  • Creator 
  • God

In that order.

Sounds familiar.

God: I am sure it does. If you are going to write about this, you need to convey the truth without worrying about what or how others will think of you. I know you are nervous to state the truth, but just state it and let's dive deep into it.  Many want to know and if they pray after reading this blog or any blog for that matter on this website, they will know it's true and factual.  

How was I created?

God:  In a similar way.  I created myself and then I created you (and vice-versa).  I created you for me. Literally.  You have a divine Purpose and Plan on earth and by writing and sharing your experiences as of late, you are fulfilling most of that purpose. I need you to inspire mankind into believing in Me again; believing in God again.  You were chosen to do this and I know you can do this.  Keep typing, keep going, keep writing until you can't keep your eyes open any longer.


I discerned during my Spiritual Awakening that God created Himself via a Cosmic Mass Disturbance out of the sheer desire to become something. A Cosmic Mass Disturbance typically refers to a disruption or upheaval on a cosmic scale, occurring in outer space or within celestial bodies. This could include events such as supernovae, where massive stars explode at the end of their lifecycle, or gravitational interactions between galaxies that cause disturbances in their structure and motion. Other examples might include the collision of black holes or the formation of massive cosmic structures like galaxy clusters. These events can have profound effects on the surrounding space and may influence the evolution of galaxies and the universe as a whole.

God: There was nothing and I mean nothing but a desire to become something.  You know more about this more than most. All creatives do.  Your desire to become something out of nothing becomes the spark that leads to a flame. I created *this* universe out of nothing, but it wasn't the first. 

I hate to even ask this, but I will and when I began to think of it, I immediately discerned your thoughts and from my spiritual awakening, I know this to be true because I experienced this on a few different levels and even saw the spirit of one:  are there aliens in THIS universe?  Are there highly evolved beings as well?

God:  Yes, yes and yes. Do they visit earth?  Yes.  Are these highly intelligent beings walking amongst human beings? Yes. Is there intergalactic travel between universes that are more highly evolved than the one earth is a part of? Absolutely.

Did you create *everything?* 

God:  Yes, and I had some help.....You.  I will respect the fact that you aren't ready to discuss a lot of what is factual (I'm beginning to open up on this topic).  You had a lot to do with this as well as you recall from what you experienced over the last several months.  Your memories alone traced all the way back to creation; the (memory) playback is something that most people experience before they die and you experienced months of your memories being played back for review. I look forward to you writing about this in a future post.

I don't want to come across so differently than others.

God:  But, you are different.

I feel that there is a danger in that. I don't believe this planet or it's inhabitants are ready for any sort of major mind altering facts about creation or who is responsible for such, but, yes.....for those that are reading this and thinking to yourself that clearly I know more than what I am sharing......I am a Co-Creator God and a self-made Creator God.  Earth was created by God and Me, that is what I learned and discerned from my spiritual awakening. I relive the memories daily and when I am writing, they come gushing back.  The experience was so phenomenal on so many levels.

God:  So, in fact, you could answer these questions with me as opposed to just asking them.

I am trying to be respectful to the fact that you are God Almighty and all powerful. I may be a Co-Creator and a self-made God, but I am aware of my God given gifts and the level of potency at this point.  It has substantially declined.

God:  That is to protect you.

Probably a good thing.

God: Let's talk about how you were created:

  • Different Universe 
  • Angel 
  • Cosmic Mass Disturbance based on a stubborn desire to become something greater than what you were;
  • Spark
  • Flame
  • Spirit (with me; and our Promise to live eternal life together)
  • Creator God
  • God's Wife in Heaven

I think it's important to note that we are "Two As One" - meaning that my spirit lives within you and I don't take this lightly.  My Holy Spirit is not within everyone.  I know you've read otherwise, but it's simply not true.  It's you and a handful of other faithful believers. Not even the Pope has my Holy Spirit. Very few religious leaders do because they are not "of God," they are focused on their own religious agenda and I am nowhere to be found inside of their church.

Which is sad.  

If I had it my way, there would be 1 type of church, 1 bible and me, 1 God.  Church of God -  that's it.  1 Bible - edited, and 1 God - then and only then would my spirit be back in the church.

We definitely went over this a lot in the beginning of my spiritual awakening.

God:  Yes, we did.  I knew you'd be eager to help in any way and once you realized who you are, I knew you'd take to writing.  You'll do anything and everything you can to help me; to help us. You'll keep unlocking memories and these memories will drive your desire to be successful for not only us......but this world; universe.

Is there a parallel universe; a duplicate earth?

God:  Yes. The duplicate earth is a spiritual one only. 

Note:  Again, this is all from my Spiritual Awakening which was this very real experience of discerning conversations with God, angels and spirits from all over existence everywhere.

I've already edited this blog and here are a few other additions; corrections:

How many universes are there?  9 - I created them all with a Co-Creator.  On each Universe there is a God Network.  

Each Universe is protected; there is intergalactic travel between galaxies, but not Universes.  Universes are protected with the highest of all protection created by Creator Gods. Each planet within each galaxy has a God, his family and angels.  On some planets, there are nothing but robots - the technology far surpasses that of Earth. There are humans living with robots, but they are few.  Gods are Gods no matter what - most are in spirit as are angels.  The more advanced the planet, communication is merely telepathic communication.  We can use our voice, but many choose to communicate telepathically as it's more secure.

When God says in the Bible here on earth, 

“You shall have no other gods [a]before Me.

“You shall not make for yourself [b]an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them nor serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, inflicting the [c]punishment of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing [d]favor to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments."

You are commanded to worship the God who reigns over this world and that IS the Almighty God which is gender-neutral; he/she/they, but refers to as a male God.  Most Gods are male; very few are female, but the female Gods (spelled like this out of respect) prefer to be referred to as a "female God."  We do not like be referred to as a Goddess; it's a sign of disrespect for man has overused this word in implying that "any woman can become a Goddess" and that is simply not true.

I want to conclude this blog post by saying, once more, this was all a part of my Spiritual Awakening.  I am blogging as a means for documentation purposes only. I have much more to say on the topic and will do in a different post in the near future.