Testimony | The Way, The Truth and the Life | An Honest Dialogue

by Asherah Alexandria Tsarine

It's true, "No one can come to the Father except through me, Jesus Christ," providing you believe in the Holy Trinity and this was a strong theme during my Spiritual Awakening; combined with the One True God.  

God, this is exactly what I am referring to when I pray to you that I fear you above all else.  I read this and I believe this scripture, yet I experienced what I did for a reason.  What is that reason?

God: To share your testimonies with the world.  That's it, that's all you must do.  Let Me do the rest.

I want to take a moment to dive into the history of the Holy Trinity first and before doing so, I will share that during my Spiritual Experience, a Spirit did lead me to believe as well as my extremely foretelling experience out in a field one early morning that I was the Jesus Christ spirit.  Looking back, at the time, and not being as familiar with the Bible as I am now, I thought that was a sign of me being the resurrected Jesus Christ.  Can Jesus reincarnated not be a woman?  Can we discuss this openly in society instead of you trying to arrest me or shame me for what I am experiencing?  

Later, I discerned that I was to simply accept "confirmation" and that's it.  And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one [a]misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the [b]Christ,’ and they will [c]mislead many people. Matthew 24:4-5

Discerning God's Spirit to accept WHO I AM and the fact that I am a woman, is what leads to blogs like this one, and my fear of God is too great to put myself out there, as a writer, as a blogger and as a Christ & God believer and write about something that is not true.  So, clearly, I am documenting the truth of what I experienced, and this is how God has provided for me during this process:

  • I walked away from a very financially successful company that God helped me to build built on faith and into an intense Spiritual Awakening; God protected me and this increased my level of faith. 
  • God increased God-given powers (gifts of the Holy Spirit) that I immediately used for good and healing around the world; and in bringing more angels to earth to protect children, heal the planet and fight in the spirit. 
  • God protected my home from foreclosure. 
  • God protected my vehicle from repossession. 
  • God placed people on my path that would help me financially even though I had a very hard time asking for help.
  • God has blessed my health.
  • God protects my children from persecution.
  • God brought into my life financial provision to give me the opportunity to write and share my testimonies. 

I am trying to figure this out like millions of other people, instead of "just believing," what I am being told by Pastors that would later laugh and mock me in my face. In my desire to get this very important matter correct, once and for all, all I have is my discernment with the Holy Spirit, prayer to God, scripture reading, and philosophical deduction of reasoning and truth based upon my empirical evidence and research on this very said topic of Discovery.

Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me. - John 14:6

In church, I grew up in faith believing that the "church body" represented Jesus.

The Catholic Church's Catechism compares the Church to the body of Christ to illustrate the close bond between Christ and his Church. The Church is considered the body of Christ in three ways:
  • Unity: The members of the Church are united with each other and with Christ.
  • Christ as head: Christ is the head of the body.
  • Bride of Christ: The Church is considered the bride of Christ, with Jesus as the bridegroom. Ephesians 5:22–33 compares the union of Christ and the Church to that of a husband and wife.

This is interesting to highlight:  Ephesians 5:22-33 compares the union of Christ and the Church to that of a husband and wife.  What about those who don't attend church yet still believe in Christ as the pathway to God?  What about single men and women, which are routinely left out when it comes to the church who focuses on married couples (I am speaking from experience on this topic)?

There is also this belief:   The Church as the body of Christ is also a universal symbol of God's love, representing people from different backgrounds and social statuses who come together to worship and serve.  This I can stand behind.

Jesus Christ is seen as the "head" of the body, which is the church, while the "members" of the body are seen as members of the Church. Christ leads members TO God through His word and teachings, but God was also inspired and hence the Bible was first revised in 1568

In what year did the Holy Trinity come about?  How far back does this term trace?

The term "Holy Trinity" emerged gradually in the early centuries of Christianity as theologians sought to articulate the complex understanding of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, it wasn't until the 4th century, particularly during the debates and councils surrounding the Arian controversy, that the term became more widely recognized and accepted in Christian theology. The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD played significant roles in defining the doctrine of the Trinity and solidifying its place in Christian belief. The concept of the Holy Trinity is fundamental to Christian theology and is not specific to any one denomination. This is widely accepted across various Christian traditions, including Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and others. The term "Holy Trinity" is commonly used across these traditions to encapsulate this foundational belief in the triune nature of God.

It is widely believed that God is three persons: God as father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. Christianity does believe that Jesus Christ embodies all three, but in discernment with God, repeatedly, this is not the case.  

In Kabbalah, the mystical tradition of Judaism, there isn't a direct equivalent to the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity. Kabbalistic teachings focus more on the nature of God, the cosmos, and the soul's relationship with the divine rather than a trinitarian understanding of God. However, there are Kabbalistic concepts that might parallel aspects of the Trinity in Christian theology, such as the idea of emanations or sefirot, which are considered different aspects or attributes of the divine that interact with creation. These emanations are often depicted in diagrams like the Tree of Life, but they don't represent distinct persons within God as in the Christian Trinity.

In my Spiritual Awakening, the emphasis was heavily focused on me as THE Creator God and even at one point, me being the ONLY Creator God as I couldn't discern God's thoughts while I was enduring heavy spiritual warfare at the time.  Yes, it was a gutsy move, but it proved be a necessary move as a navigated my way the best I could for what I was experiencing, and the outlash from family members and friends proved that I very little support in the matter.  I tried turning to churches, but that didn't go as planned and didn't know what else to do in the matter.  This very real matter that was unfolding before my eyes as if God, THE God, looked at me and said, "you are a Chosen One." 

I've written about this before in previous blogs, that at the time, I discerned that God had, indeed, chosen me as I have prayed to God for years that I would be a warrior for Him when needed.  "Just let me know..!"  I wasn't about to turn my back on this experience or refuse to share my testimonies. 

I've also shared in previous blogs that Jesus Christ had the Holy Spirit and God's Soul born into a human being, born of Joseph and Mary.  He was born into a world, during a time that God, The Creator, felt it was (clearly) the perfect time for the Messiah to come so that He would be spoken about for the last 1,990 to 2,028 years (approximately 4-6 BC to around 30-36 AD).

Whether you believe that Jesus Christ existed or not or whether you believe in the Holy Trinity or not, what I can attest at 100% accuracy based on my Spiritual Awakening experience and the discernment of divine Spirits; is the existence of The Creator God (female); God, The Creator of This Universe & the Son Christ Jesus.

Therefore, couldn't a human being/highly evolved being possess the Spirit and Soul of God just like Jesus Christ without being Jesus Christ?  

In the Book of Revelation, and throughout the Bible, Jesus as well as God spoke in parables, and I can also attest this to be true.  In discernment, there is a lot of imagery involved.  God's Spirit speaks to me using music, visions, dreams in combination of thought discernment.  These are gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Revelation 19:11-16 (NIV)

11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

Key Points:

  • Rider on a White Horse: The imagery of the rider on a white horse symbolizes a victorious and righteous leader.
  • Names and Titles: The rider is called "Faithful and True," "the Word of God," and "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS," titles that Christians traditionally associate with Jesus Christ.
  • Judgment and Rule: The description of the rider judging and waging war with justice, ruling with an iron scepter, and being followed by heavenly armies aligns with prophecies about the Messiah's role in the final judgment and establishment of God's kingdom.

Additional References:

  • Revelation 1:7 (NIV): "Look, he is coming with the clouds (meaning: storm)," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him (hurting in one way or the other)." So shall it be! Amen.
  • Revelation 22:12-13 (NIV): "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." (Note:  God is the only Alpha and Omega, the First and Last and certainly, the Beginning and End........to some degree; there was also another Creator God, a female, more powerful than He as SHE created HIM).

Skeptics will argue and say, Oh! But read:

  • Incarnation: John 1:14 reveals that the Word became flesh, referring to Jesus Christ's incarnation—God becoming human and living among people.         

Let's take this to God.  An Honest Dialogue based upon my Spiritual Awakening ~

Is Jesus Christ God?

God: Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of this world, but He is NOT Me, a Creator God.  

I discerned that I am Jesus Christ. Even my Spirit Coach shared with me that I am the Jesus Christ avatar on earth (which, honestly, didn't make any sense).

God:  You represent Jesus Christ as an atonement for Man's sins and you are a Creator God. You have the Spirit of Jesus Christ.   

Am I discerning and explaining this right?

God:  It's close enough.  It's a complex process that is proprietary. 

I discerned in my Spiritual Awakening that there is absolutely a Holy Trinity and everyone must come to the Holy Spirit and ask this Spirit into their lives and then repent and ask forgiveness from Jesus Christ; from there they are allowed to go before God, which is you.

God:  Yes, correct.  

There will be people who don't believe me.

God:  Just like they didn't believe in Jesus Christ in Biblical times?  Again, you embody the Spirit of Christ.  

I am still struggling with this, I just want the focus on you, God, Our Creator.  Did Jesus Christ struggle with this?

God:  I am glad you've touched on this, because yes, He did.

Are there others that will experience the same sort of Spiritual Awakening?

God:  To the degree that you have, no.  Similar, yes, but not altogether as it's not who they are, and your Awakening is focused on who you are.

I did some research to how Jesus Christ struggled with His Identity at the time of His calling:  

The Gospels do portray moments where Jesus grapples with his identity and mission, particularly during times of temptation, in his prayers, and when confronted by others questioning his authority.

In the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 4:1-11), for example, Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness. This encounter suggests a struggle between his human desires and his divine calling, but Jesus ultimately overcomes these temptations by affirming his commitment to God's will.

Similarly, in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46), Jesus prays fervently to God, expressing his inner turmoil and asking if it is possible for the cup of suffering to be taken away from him. This moment reflects Jesus' human vulnerability and his submission to God's plan, despite the emotional and physical challenges he faces.

Overall, while the Gospels portray Jesus as fully human and fully divine, they do not explicitly delve into his psychological struggles with understanding his divine nature. Instead, they emphasize his unwavering obedience to God's will and his profound commitment to fulfilling his mission on Earth.

I also investigated the Hidden Teachings to see if I could discover anything that may help me to grasp the truth that is being presented to me, if only as another confirmation:  

The concept of "hidden teachings" of Jesus Christ often refers to the idea that there are deeper, spiritual truths conveyed by Jesus beyond what is explicitly stated in the Gospels. These teachings are sometimes thought to be veiled in parables, symbolic language, or conveyed in a way that requires deeper contemplation or spiritual insight to understand fully. Here are a few examples:

  1. Parables: Jesus frequently used parables to teach moral and spiritual lessons. These stories often have deeper meanings that can be discerned through reflection and interpretation.

  2. Mystical Insights: Some believe that Jesus taught mystical or esoteric principles to his inner circle of disciples, revealing truths about the nature of God, the universe, and the path to spiritual enlightenment.

  3. Universal Love and Compassion: Jesus emphasized the importance of love, forgiveness, and compassion. His teachings on these virtues go beyond mere moral exhortations and are often seen as profound spiritual truths about the nature of God and humanity.

  4. The Kingdom of God: Jesus spoke extensively about the "Kingdom of God" or the "Kingdom of Heaven." While this concept can have different interpretations, it often refers to a spiritual realm or state of consciousness that is present within and among believers.  Note: This was also a very strong theme in my Spiritual Awakening too:  it's not just a concept, Heaven is a very real place.  It's literally a planet and not just one, but three.  

  5. Inner Transformation: Jesus taught about the importance of inner transformation and spiritual rebirth. This involves a radical shift in consciousness and a turning away from worldly attachments toward a deeper relationship with God.

These teachings are considered "hidden" not because they are intentionally obscured, but because they require a receptive heart, spiritual insight, and often guidance from the Holy Spirit to fully comprehend and apply in one's life.  Note:  having the Holy Spirit is essential to fully understanding and grasping much of what I am writing about.  This is how you can invite the Holy Spirit to come into your life and please follow my advice on how to develop a communicative relationship which is essential:  

In closing, please continue to believe in Jesus Christ as you know Him from His teachings, the Bible and that of our God, The One True God and the Kabbalah. 

I am documenting my experience to keep the focus on God, Our Creator; Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom of God and to share my testimonies that all of this is very, very real and true.  I am also documenting my experience to share with my readers the emotions and feelings that I've endured while walking through this journey.

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