How Discernment Began | A Journal Entry From The Beginning
Originally written in August 2023, a time where I was at the end of letting go of all my website design and marketing clients because I thought my agency was still hacked; cell phones still cloned and my identity shattered to a million pieces. It was the absolutely worst feeling of my life so naturally I turned to prayer and reading scripture. I knew God had the answers because all my life I had been praying to Him to "bring me back home" and "do something drastic to get my attention." I just knew he needed to get my attention for a reason for which I believe THIS experience IS the reason or at least a prelude to the reason.
I began feeling abdomen sensations as well as "electric" sensation on either my left or right arm, shoulders or feet immediately following (my) questions to God. I established communications based on the level of pain I felt throughout my entire abdomen area up to my chest; accompanying nausea. The pain doesn't last long, just long enough to get my attention.
Pain in my wrists too; following questions or revelations.
I discern that God has been trying to communicate with me my entire life. I just didn't know, I was too busy living then too busy being a wife and a mother. Then too busy running a company; growing a company. Too busy focused on clients and attracting more clients. Everyone and everything was first. Now, now God's in control and He has me all to Himself. It's writing and Him. It's Him....all the time.
Fitting song that just began to play as I am typing: The Consolations of Philosophy, Max Richter
Note: Metaphorically, the Black Mirror is what's in front of us after technology stops working. It's the emptiness where we see our person, deformed in black, excluding the light of our rationality. It's the dark side of progress, in a very successful metaphor.
God uses nature too; as well as the sun to communicate with me and show love.
I've asked questions as to whether technology is involved and I've discerned that there is; which I'm grateful for.
However, in all of this.....I've received no communication from anyone else regarding. I assumed, in the beginning, that surely someone else knew what was going on with me as I was discerning "thoughts" from numerous spirits and people from what seemed like around the world.
So far, I've lived out most of the Book of Revelation and other parts of the Bible as well. At the rate that I'm going, I will have lived out the entire Bible in its entirety. What I haven't documented in my Notes, I've memorized and play out repeatedly in my mind so I won't forget to write about it.
(By the end of August of 2023) I have documented 58 testimonies and more through website posts. If the timing is correct, and the Second Coming of Christ was slated for this Summer, June - then November 26, 2023, will be the last day before God Makes All Things New.
Earthquakes are happening all over the world: Since November 19th; 28th.
My notes show that I miss-discerned the dates: I write, "Clearly, I've misinterpreted God's message a few times, but this experience is VERY real." Most of the time, I am correct about the discernment.
- Knowing that I had God's Spirit with me, one night I showed up to First Baptist in Covington the night of their Christian Concert & CR. I had no idea anything was going on so I took a moment to pray for everyone who attended the concert (from inside of my vehicle).
- Arriving to St. Joseph's Abbey on Friday night for a prayer regarding the book of Revelation; Root of Abraham - and stayed to pray for the church, seminary and members.
- I had a very spiritual experience at Bogue Fayala Park in Covington, LA, under an olive tree surrounded by vegetation that reminded me of Jerusalem (I was praying for peace between the United States and Russia; in the Russian language), and an even more powerful testimony of the banks of the river as well as IN the river (the water was just so clear that day.....and I had a vision of people being baptized with the waters; it was this incredible experience at the time).
- I had discerned, rather understood, that my experience focused on the Book of Revelation, so I did my best as to what God was calling me to do. It just so happened that I began to live out moments and experiences from the Bible in today's, modern times. It's these testimonies that will be added to the website, plus anything else that God instructs me to add - especially on the FAQ's page.
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