Seeing In The Spirit - Entities, Angels & God Spirits
It was early August of 2024. I had been up for days in prayer and meditation, practices I engage in regularly to strengthen my spiritual gifts for my work with clients. This particular evening, however, felt different. I sensed—and saw—in unusual ways, spirits moving through different parts of my home, and not all were of a friendly nature. I saw figures on my bedroom ceiling engaged in disturbing acts, while others appeared on the bathroom walls and shower, and even on the ceiling of a guest suite.
I recall walking into my art studio, where out of the wall emerged these beautiful, intricate, insect-like spirits. They didn’t resemble typical “spirits” or “ghosts”; each had a unique beauty. In that moment, I discerned with a guiding spirit that these were four spiritual gifts meant for me. Each one landed delicately on my four predominant fingers and then folded up under my fingernails. There was no pain—only awe, which allowed me to process the experience without fear. This night opened the door to a series of sensitive, powerful events where I encountered ancient spirits and angels, seeking a place of peace and refuge.
Led by a benevolent spirit, I stepped outside for relief. Without a light or phone, I walked down the street until I saw a distant light approaching. After a moment of discernment, the spirit advised me to return to my property to allow a "parade" of spirits to pass. This parade, the spirit explained, was in my honor. Between the hours of 2 and 4 a.m., spirits are most active.
Sure enough, I witnessed it—a surreal parade of spirits. I saw a carriage with a glowing light, trucks filled with passenger spirits, and phantom figures of all shapes and sizes. These black, faceless silhouettes represented men, women, children, and even pets, families who had lived on these streets long ago. Horse spirits, dog spirits, all moved in graceful procession, a parade of shadowy remembrance. Amazed, I asked the guiding spirit if I could walk along with them. The answer was yes—this parade was meant for me.
As I marveled at the parade, I noticed spirits in yards, sitting on phantom chairs, children playing as though in a timeless moment. When I looked up, the sky was an ethereal blend of purples, blues, fuchsia, and hints of yellow. The air was crisp, and everything felt fresh, as if I had crossed into a parallel world. This beautiful and astonishing experience affirmed to me that it was Earth, but a different version of it, a perfect mirror.....a portal.
To be clear, I don’t drink, smoke, or engage in any activities that could produce hallucinations. What I witnessed was profoundly real, and I share it truthfully. As I continued to walk, I turned down another street, where the black, phantom figures continued, living their nighttime lives. The spirit guiding me explained that we indeed live in a spiritual world layered over our physical one.
In this parallel existence, spirits experience versions of our reality. They may "cook" and "eat," not as we do, but through energetic impressions of food. A guest bedroom may even be “occupied” by spirits, especially in homes with historical connections. Larger properties often house whole spirit families, coexisting with our reality in unseen ways.
Guided further, I sensed different spirits on a neighboring property, ones with a “vampire-like” disposition, embodying a mysterious energy. As I stepped onto this property, memories from a past life flooded back. It felt as if I had walked into a past version of Earth, a place tied deeply to my own soul's history. This sense of a duplicated Earth resonated with what I had discerned during my spiritual awakening: many of us are now awakening to past lives that seem to converge in this earthly realm.
Reflecting now, it feels surreal. I don’t typically wander onto others’ property, being both shy and aware of boundaries. Yet, the spirit I discerned with has long oscillated between light and mischief. This entire experience has deepened my belief in a divine reality, showing me that God, spirits, and even antagonistic entities are profoundly real.
This awakening has transformed me. I’ve adopted a wardrobe of whites, neutrals, and earthy tones, leaving behind bright colors. I have grown my hair long and my diet has become vegan, and I regularly engage in energy work to remove negativity. I focus on forgiveness, happiness, abundance, and peace, continuously blocking negative thoughts and I discern daily and throughout the day with the Holy Spirit on almost everything I do. I simply prefer God's way over my way.
Now dedicated to learning all I can about certified spiritual healing, I study modalities like Reiki, Pranic Healing, Chakra Healing, and Quantum Healing. I’m also pursuing ordination as a minister, to support my work in energy healing for clients, spaces, and objects. This journey has brought clarity, growth, and the peace I now share with others.
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