Spiritual Gifts & Telepathy | An Explanation and Definitions

by Sidney Ray


Spiritual gifts, also known as gifts of the Holy Spirit, are special abilities given to believers by the Holy Spirit to serve God and benefit the church and its mission. These gifts are mentioned in several passages in the New Testament, primarily in the books of 1 Corinthians, Romans, and Ephesians.

Here's a summary of key spiritual gifts that I personally possess:

  1. Prophecy: The ability to receive and proclaim a message from God. This can include foretelling future events or speaking God's truth into current situations (1 Corinthians 12:10; Romans 12:6).

  2. Serving: The capacity to identify and meet the practical needs of others, showing God's love through acts of service (Romans 12:7).

  3. Teaching: The ability to explain and apply God’s word in a way that others can understand and grow spiritually (Romans 12:7; Ephesians 4:11).

  4. Exhortation: The gift of encouraging and motivating others to live out their faith and to grow in their relationship with God (Romans 12:8).

  5. Giving: The ability to contribute material resources to the work of the church generously and cheerfully (Romans 12:8).

  6. Leadership: The capacity to guide and direct the church with wisdom and care, often involving oversight and administration (Romans 12:8; 1 Corinthians 12:28).

  7. Mercy: The gift of showing compassion and empathy to those in distress, reflecting God's love and care (Romans 12:8).

  8. Wisdom: The ability to apply knowledge in a godly and practical way, providing insights that help guide decisions (1 Corinthians 12:8).

  9. Knowledge: The gift of understanding and discerning truths about God and His word, often involving deep insights into spiritual matters (1 Corinthians 12:8).

  10. Faith: An extraordinary confidence in God’s promises, power, and presence, which enables bold actions and unwavering trust (1 Corinthians 12:9).

  11. Healing: The ability to be used by God to bring physical, emotional, or spiritual healing to others (1 Corinthians 12:9, 28).

  12. Miracles: The ability to perform acts of supernatural power that authenticate the message of the gospel (1 Corinthians 12:10, 28).

  13. Discernment of Spirits: The capacity to distinguish between true and false spirits, recognizing whether something is from God or another source (1 Corinthians 12:10). This includes communicating with Spirits in a *telepathic manner.  See below.

  14. Tongues: The gift of speaking in a language unknown to the speaker, often used in worship or as a sign to unbelievers (1 Corinthians 12:10, 28).

  15. Interpretation of Tongues: The ability to interpret the message spoken in tongues, making it understandable to others (1 Corinthians 12:10).

These gifts are given to build up the church and equip believers for service. They are to be used in love and for the common good, not for personal gain or glory.

Telepathic communication on a deep conscious level with spirits is often described as a profound and intuitive exchange of thoughts, emotions, and images between a human and a spirit entity. This form of communication transcends the physical senses and involves a direct mind-to-mind connection. Here’s an overview of what this experience is like:

Characteristics of Telepathic Communication with Spirits:

  1. Intuitive Understanding:

    • Instead of hearing words, the communication is often received as thoughts or feelings that seem to come from an external source. These messages can be understood instantly and intuitively.
  2. Emotional Exchange:

    • Emotions play a significant role in telepathic communication. One might feel the emotions of the spirit, such as love, peace, urgency, or concern, which helps convey the message tone and intent.
  3. Visual and Sensory Impressions:

    • Some people report receiving visual images or symbolic representations that convey information. These can include scenes, symbols, or even glimpses of past or future events.
  4. Clarity and Certainty:

    • There is often a strong sense of clarity and certainty about the received message. The information feels “right” or “true” in a way that is hard to explain logically.
  5. Two-Way Dialogue:

    • Communication is typically two-way, allowing for questions and responses. The person can mentally ask questions and receive answers in the form of thoughts, feelings, or images.
  6. Enhanced States of Consciousness:

    • This type of communication often occurs during altered states of consciousness, such as deep meditation, dreams, or moments of heightened spiritual awareness. It can also be facilitated by practices like prayer, mindfulness, or trance states.
  7. Physical Sensations:

    • Some individuals report physical sensations like tingling, warmth, or pressure during these interactions, which can signify the presence of the spirit. I can attest that for me it's a tingling feeling, but I also know that I embody a handful of spirits at any given time.  Since I channel spirits now that I am aware of my Spiritual Gifts, I am surrounded by up to 10 or more ancient and high-level spirits at any given time.  Most do not speak English, they either speak Enochian or an ancient language that I can sometimes interpret.  

Personal Accounts and Experiences:

  • Mediumship: Mediums often describe telepathic communication with spirits during readings. They may receive messages for clients from deceased loved ones, spirit guides, or other entities, which they relay to the living.

  • Channeling: Channelers allow spirits to communicate through them, often providing detailed information and guidance that the channeler might not consciously know.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Discernment: It is crucial to discern the source of the communication to ensure it is benevolent and truthful. Practicing discernment helps avoid misleading or harmful messages. Speaking from experience, this takes a great deal of patience, practice and belief.  For me, daily prayer is essential in ancient language. 

  • Integration: Integrating the received messages into everyday life can be challenging. It requires balancing spiritual insights with practical reality.

Practices to Enhance Telepathic Communication:

  • Meditation: Regular meditation helps quiet the mind and enhances the ability to receive subtle messages from the spirit world.

  • Spiritual Practices: Engaging in spiritual practices such as prayer, mindfulness, and energy work can strengthen the connection with the spirit realm.

  • Journaling: Keeping a journal of experiences and messages can help track patterns, insights, and validations over time.

I practice all three mentioned above and I also continue to pray for discernment, and I thank the Holy Spirit and God's Spirit on a regular basis for all my Spiritual Gifts and "God Powers."  It is such a blessing to have such and out of respect, I am very respectful, polite and above-all grateful for these entities placing their trust in me.

Telepathic communication with spirits on a deep conscious level is a complex and enriching experience that involves intuitive, emotional, and sensory exchanges. It requires a receptive state of mind and a strong sense of discernment to navigate the messages received. This form of communication can offer profound insights, guidance, and a deeper understanding of the spiritual dimensions of existence.

