The Debate: What is The Spirit and Soul Made of?

by Sidney Ray

The terms "spirit" and "soul" are often used interchangeably, but they can have distinct meanings depending on the context, religious beliefs, or philosophical traditions. Here is a breakdown of the differences and similarities between the spirit and the soul:

Religious and Spiritual Perspectives


  • Soul: In many Christian traditions, the soul is considered the eternal essence of a person, encompassing mind, emotions, and will. It is the part of an individual that faces judgment and experiences eternal destiny.
  • Spirit: The spirit is often seen as the breath of life given by God, which animates the body. It can also refer to the Holy Spirit, which indwells and empowers believers. Some traditions view the spirit as the aspect that connects directly with God.


  • Soul (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah): Jewish thought often describes multiple aspects of the soul:
    • Nefesh: The life force or vital spirit.
    • Ruach: The spirit or breath, associated with emotions.
    • Neshamah: The higher, divine aspect of the soul.
  • Spirit: Generally associated with the divine breath of life and sometimes used interchangeably with ruach.


  • Soul (Nafs): The soul is the essence of a person, encompassing desires, emotions, and consciousness. It undergoes purification and judgment.
  • Spirit (Ruh): Often seen as the divine breath that gives life. The ruh is considered pure and from Allah, distinct from the nafs which can be influenced by earthly desires.


  • Soul (Atman): The true self or individual soul, which is eternal and part of the universal soul (Brahman).
  • Spirit: Not a distinct concept but often used to describe the divine essence within all beings (like Atman).


  • Soul: Buddhism generally denies the existence of a permanent soul (anatta). Instead, it describes the self as a collection of changing processes.
  • Spirit: Not commonly used, but some traditions might refer to spiritual essence or consciousness.

Philosophical Perspectives

Dualism (Descartes):

  • Soul: The immaterial essence that includes consciousness, thoughts, and identity.
  • Spirit: Often used synonymously with soul, though sometimes refers more specifically to the animating life force.


  • Soul and Spirit: Seen as emergent properties of physical processes in the brain, without separate existence.

Metaphysical and New Age Perspectives

  • Soul: The true essence or core identity of a person, often considered eternal and capable of spiritual evolution.
  • Spirit: Sometimes viewed as the life force or energy that animates the body, distinct from the soul's identity and purpose.

Common Themes and Differences

Consciousness and Identity:

  • Soul: Generally associated with the individual's consciousness, emotions, and identity.
  • Spirit: Often seen as the life force or divine spark that animates the body and connects with the divine.

Eternal Aspect:


  • Soul: Typically considered eternal and central to personal identity and moral accountability.
  • Spirit: Can also be seen as eternal, but more often associated with the animating force or connection to the divine.

Function and Role:

  • Soul: Encompasses the individual's mind, will, and emotions, and is often the focus of moral and spiritual development.
  • Spirit: Associated with life force, divine connection, and sometimes the source of inspiration and spiritual power.

While the spirit and soul can be closely related and sometimes used interchangeably, they often carry distinct connotations. The soul generally refers to the individual's essence, including consciousness, emotions, and identity. The spirit often refers to the life force or divine element that animates the body and connects with the divine. Their exact meanings and roles can vary widely depending on religious, spiritual, and philosophical contexts.

According to God and what I discerned from my Spiritual Awakening, your soul regenerates and your spirit can be a celestial or even a tree for that matter.  Your spirit is not needed in your body for your body to live.  What matters most is your soul as it's part of your heart and both are your connection to God.  

Also according to God, your spirit is made up of energy and you are able to leave your body and do what I refer to as "spirit work," which simply means you can depart your body and do "healing" work by being any place in the world or universe and focus on providing support whether it's to children spirits and souls in need of rescue or anything in that nature.

Many spiritual and metaphysical traditions believe that a spirit is made up of energy. According to these beliefs, the spirit is considered a non-physical entity that embodies a person's true essence or soul. This energy is often described as being subtle, ethereal, and not bound by physical limitations. Here are a few key points about this concept:

Spiritual and Metaphysical Perspectives

  1. Energy Fields: The spirit is often thought to be an integral part of the aura or energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. This energy field is believed to reflect a person's emotional, mental, and spiritual states.

  2. Universal Energy: Some traditions view the spirit as being connected to a universal or cosmic energy that permeates the entire universe. This energy is often seen as the source of life and consciousness.

  3. Vibrational Frequency: The spirit is sometimes described in terms of vibrational frequency, with higher frequencies associated with more refined or spiritual states of being. Practices such as meditation, prayer, and energy healing are believed to raise the vibrational frequency of the spirit.

  4. Survival Beyond Physical Death: In many beliefs, the spirit or soul continues to exist after the physical body dies. This is often seen as the spirit's transition to a different state or dimension of existence. *According to God, this is accurate as is all the above.  

Scientific Perspectives

While the concept of the spirit as energy is widely accepted in spiritual and metaphysical circles, it is not a concept that is currently validated by empirical scientific evidence. The study of energy in physics does not encompass the non-physical attributes ascribed to the spirit in spiritual traditions. However, discerning the Word of God is the ultimate and final say-so, empirical scientific evidence may not be present, but discerning facts over fiction with God is a powerful statement regarding our Spirit and/or Soul.  

Practices and Experiences

  1. Energy Healing: Practices like Reiki, Qi Gong, and other forms of energy healing work with the idea that the spirit or life force energy can be influenced to promote healing and well-being.

  2. Meditation and Prayer: These practices are believed to help individuals connect with their spiritual energy, enhancing their sense of peace, purpose, and connection to the divine.

  3. Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences: Some people report experiences that suggest the spirit can exist independently of the physical body, often describing encounters with a form of energy or light.

In summary, many spiritual and metaphysical beliefs hold that the spirit is made up of energy. This energy is the essence of a person, connected to a larger universal energy, and capable of existing beyond physical limitations. As discerned with God, your soul regenerates and your Spirit is made up of energy.  You should practice meditation and prayer to help connect with your spiritual energy and connection with God.

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