Testimony | What If God Was A Woman? Part 1:2

by Asherah Alexandria Tsarine

How different would our world be if God was a woman?  

This is a real question, and this was my question when I learned in my Spiritual Awakening that I was not only a Creator God, but the first God to ever create herself. More importantly, how is it that the interpretation of the Bible spun off a male God?  God is gender-neutral, yet, as a God Spirit, I can attest that I identify as Female and have always identified as female, even as a Spirit.  Again, this is all according to what I experienced in my Spiritual Awakening.

I want to make clear that never before my Spiritual Awakening did, I assume or presume that I was a God.  I did have a strong calling to be a Nun in high school that I ignored and looking back, I can see the benefits of being a nun and then writing a website like this, but all things happen for a reason according to God/We.  

My Spiritual Awakening and just now in confirmation with God's Spirit and the Holy Spirit (two different spirits), is that God is a woman, and I am that Creator God. I interpreted that I was that lonely God who created a mate and that is the male God that the Bible refers to and most people worship, love and admire and is seen as The Almighty God aka a Co-Creator God.

And I also know......this will be a bitter pill for a lot of people to accept.  But, again, please keep in mind this was all a part of my Spiritual Awakening.  After what I have experienced locally, I just feel it's necessary to make this clarification every paragraph.  

This is what I recall from my Awakening and visions I've had since I was child:  Earth was created by me and another Spirit, a male Spirit.  I could draw a picture of what the world looked like on Day 4 and I was next to Him in spirit.  We made a promise that we would return to earth, in physical form, for eternal life.  Not only did we make a promise, we talked about what we wanted to look like as well.  I recall this memory as if it happened yesterday, but in reality it happened billions of years ago and every time I write about this, his Spirit confirms my writing.

What or who does that make me?  

God? God's wife?

According to my Spiritual Awakening, yes, it does, but then this leads me to ask questions to Him and myself, "why am I in form (physical form) and here, on earth, without Him?  Why would I leave heaven to come to earth? 

When I pray about this to God, and throughout my Spiritual Awakening, this is what I discern:  As an entity, I volunteered to come here, to help pave the way for a new beginning.  Does this make me the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? No, it doesn't.  I often discern that Jesus has no desire to ever return to earth and is a God in heaven.  Every discernment I've had revolving this topic will all be used for a book.  Even this blog, as it seems if anything, it's a topic that many may have thought of, considered and even wanted - knowing that God could be a woman, but it's not widely believed and not accepted by traditional Christian, Judaism or even Islamic views.  However, the oldest and most ancient religion, Hinduism, did believe in Goddesses and widely worshipped them.  

These goddesses play a crucial role in the religion and are worshiped in various forms and manifestations. Some of the prominent female deities in Hinduism include:

  1. Durga: A warrior goddess who represents power and protection. She is often depicted riding a lion or tiger and is celebrated during the festival of Navaratri.

  2. Lakshmi: The goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune. She is the consort of Vishnu and is worshiped widely during Diwali, the festival of lights.

  3. Saraswati: The goddess of knowledge, music, art, and wisdom. She is often depicted holding a veena (a musical instrument) and is associated with learning and education.

  4. Parvati: The goddess of love, fertility, and devotion. She is the wife of Shiva and the mother of Ganesha and Kartikeya.

  5. Kali: A fierce and powerful goddess who represents time and change. She is often depicted in a dark and fearsome form, symbolizing the destruction of evil.

  6. Sita: An avatar of Lakshmi and the wife of Lord Rama, she is a central figure in the epic Ramayana and symbolizes purity and devotion.

These goddesses are integral to the Hindu pantheon and are worshiped with great reverence and devotion. They embody various aspects of life and nature, reflecting the rich and diverse spiritual traditions within Hinduism.

Throughout my research into ancient religions to go back as far as possible and as close as possible to the first religion, to verify and substantiate claims that God is a woman, Hinduism is as close as I've gotten, however, there is no mention of a Creator God, per say, but rather a wide array of deities.

Hinduism is a highly diverse and complex religion with a wide array of deities. The concept of God in Hinduism is not limited to a single entity but encompasses various forms and manifestations. Here are some key concepts and deities:

  1. Brahman: In the Upanishads, Brahman is described as the ultimate, unchanging reality, composed of pure consciousness. Brahman is formless, infinite, and transcendent, yet it also manifests in various forms.

  2. Trimurti: Hinduism often refers to a trinity of gods known as the Trimurti:

    • Brahma: The creator god, responsible for the creation of the universe and all living beings.
    • Vishnu: The preserver god, who maintains order and harmony in the universe. Vishnu has many avatars, including Rama and Krishna.
    • Shiva: The destroyer god, who brings about the end of cycles, enabling new creation.
  3. Devi: The Goddess, representing the feminine aspect of the divine, is worshiped in various forms, including Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Kali. She embodies power, wealth, knowledge, and destruction, respectively.

  4. Avataras: Vishnu is known for his avatars, or incarnations, through which he descends to earth to restore dharma (cosmic order). Two of the most celebrated avatars are:

    • Rama: The hero of the Ramayana, representing virtue and righteousness.
    • Krishna: The central figure in the Bhagavad Gita, known for his teachings and playful exploits.
  5. Other Significant Deities: Besides the major gods and goddesses, Hinduism has a vast pantheon of deities, each associated with specific aspects of life and the cosmos. For example:

    • Ganesha: The elephant-headed god, known as the remover of obstacles.
    • Hanuman: The monkey god, known for his devotion to Rama and his immense strength.

Hindu worship practices are diverse, ranging from temple rituals and pilgrimages to personal prayers and meditation. The worship of these deities reflects the belief in the divine presence in all aspects of life.

Based on my Spiritual Awakening and what I experienced, I discerned repeatedly that I am a Creator God, and I did, indeed, create myself. During my Awakening, I experienced an enormous number of powers which came from fasting, daily praying in an Ancient Language and reading Bible scripture and at God's discernment.

This brings up some very interesting and valid points when it comes to creation and Christianity, based upon my Spiritual Awakening:

  • My visions are tied to memories that I've had since I was a child and there was a never a connection to religion.
  • Man created religion.  God didn't create religion.
  • In Biblical times, when Jesus walked the earth, he was born an infant, grew up as a child and then at the age of 30, began his public ministry which included prophesying, teaching, and performing miracles (i.e God powers). It was Luke who witnessed the beginning of Jesus's ministry. *This age aligns with the Jewish customs of the time for beginning public religious duties.
  • Jesus was crucified for his beliefs and ability to perform miracles that no one else at that time could.
  • Eye-witness accounts back then, which were significantly different to today's times, recall seeing "bright lights (angel spirits)" and witnessed Jesus performing miracles because he was the Chosen One.  He did die and was risen from death by God's Spirit. This was a testimony to the power and existence of a real God and has been the foundation of Christianity.
  • Jesus later died of natural causes in 43 AD; it was then that his Spirit ascended into heaven as seen by those God allowed to witness the event, but this does not mean he was a God or was ever a God.
  • I discerned with God that St Michael was Jesus Christ, which aligns with my vision of creating St. Michael first. This makes sense that Jesus's Spirit would ascend into "heaven" through the clouds.  
  • I also discerned that Heaven makes up of 3 planets in a different Universe.  There are a total of 9 universes overall. 
  • Lastly, God is gender neutral.  God can be born into flesh as a woman and still be gender-neutral; literally have the physical attributes of a woman but feel 50% male and 50% female; even to the point of channeling both a male and female "voice."
  • My discernment led me to believe that Jesus had my Holy Spirit and God's Soul and was born a highly evolved human being.
  • I have memories of entering Jesus's eyes, as a spirit, when he was an infant.
  • I had discerned and through memories, that I was the Bethlehem star as well as the sun on more than one occasion whereas the other God was the moon.  As spirits, we created the solar system as you know it, along with all the stars and other galaxies; universe's way before man was created on earth. 

Let's dive even deeper and get a better view of creation and timelines. Warning for those who believe religion is the key to all answers, the Scientific community will greatly disagree.  I am here with God's Spirit to get to the truth of the matter at hand.   

Formation and Early Development of Earth (Scientific Perspective)

4.54 billion years ago:

  • Formation of Earth: Earth forms from the solar nebula through accretion. Source: NASA  - *this is incorrect, in my Spiritual Awakening, two God spirits (God/We) created this planet.  I discerned the planet is 7-8 billions of years old. Please see the FAQ page regarding scientific definitions pertaining to this topic.

4.4 billion years ago:

  • Formation of the Moon: A Mars-sized body impacted Earth, leading to the formation of the Moon. Source: Nature *incorrect, the moon was created by God/We

4 billion years ago:

  • Formation of Earth's Crust and First Oceans: The Earth's crust solidifies, and the first oceans begin to form. Source: Geological Society of America *God/We created the earth and its entirety; including oceans.  The scientific explanation holds ground as well.

3.5 billion years ago:

Key Events in Earth's Biological History

2.4 billion years ago:

  • Great Oxidation Event: Oxygen levels rise significantly due to photosynthesis by cyanobacteria. Source: Nature

600 million years ago:

541 million years ago:

250 million years ago:

66 million years ago:

Human Evolution and Civilization

7 million years ago:

  • First Hominins: Sahelanthropus tchadensis, one of the earliest known hominins. Source: Smithsonian

200,000 years ago:

  • Emergence of Homo sapiens: Anatomically modern humans appear in Africa. Source: Science

10,000 BCE:

3,976 BCE to 7,976 BCE:

  • Garden of Eden Created by God/We. I discerned in my Spiritual Awakening that as a Creator God, I chose human life and was the first evolved woman created which was known as Eve.  During my Awakening experience, I literally discerned with God that it was one of my ribs that was used to make Adam; and Adam as a physical human being was St. Michael (also known as Archangel Michael).  A male God, also a Creator God, continued to be a Spirit, and has always been a Spirit. We were the first humans in Ancient Mesopotamia, also known as the "Cradle of Civilization." 

Before 3,100 BCE:

  • First Civilizations: Sumerians in Mesopotamia, development of writing (cuneiform). Source: This page.

Key Historical Events

7-6 BCE:

476 CE:

  • Fall of the Western Roman Empire: Marking the beginning of the Middle Ages. Source: History

622 CE:

43 AD:

  • Jesus Christ died at the age of 49 years old of natural causes after he was crucified on the cross, risen from death by God's Spirit, and went on to serve in ministry until his death.  *I discerned this with God & should be considered as new and relative information based on fact.


  • Christopher Columbus' Voyage: Leading to the widespread awareness of the Americas. Source: History



  • End of World War II: Leading to the beginning of the contemporary era. Source: History



  • COVID-19 Pandemic: Global pandemic impacting every aspect of life. Source: WHO

Present Day


  • Current Year: Technological advancements, geopolitical developments, and ongoing challenges such as climate change continue to shape the world.

The question of how different the world would be if God were perceived as a woman is a fascinating thought experiment that touches on theology, sociology, and gender studies. Here's an exploration of potential differences:

Theological Perspectives

  1. Scriptural Interpretations:
    • Language and Imagery: Religious texts might use feminine pronouns and maternal imagery more frequently. The concept of God as a nurturing mother could be more prevalent, possibly leading to different interpretations of divine attributes such as compassion, strength, and justice.
    • Roles of Women in Religion: Women might be more prominently featured in religious narratives and leadership roles. The stories of female prophets and leaders could be more emphasized, potentially changing the religious landscape significantly.

Sociological Impacts

  1. Gender Equality:
    • Empowerment of Women: The perception of God as a woman could significantly influence gender equality. Societies might place a higher value on traditionally feminine qualities and roles, leading to more balanced power dynamics between men and women.
    • Cultural Norms: Traditional gender roles might be more fluid, with qualities like nurturing, empathy, and emotional intelligence being equally valued in both men and women.

Psychological and Educational Effects

  1. Identity and Self-Perception:
    • Role Models: Young girls might grow up with a stronger sense of empowerment, seeing themselves reflected in the divine. This could enhance self-esteem and aspirations for leadership roles.
    • Educational Content: Educational systems might incorporate a more balanced view of history and contributions from both genders, emphasizing collaborative achievements.

Religious Practices

  1. Rituals and Worship:
    • Worship Practices: Religious rituals and symbols might incorporate more feminine aspects, such as motherhood, creation, and the cycles of life. This could lead to a more holistic approach to spirituality.
    • Clerical Representation: There could be a greater inclusion of women in religious ceremonies and positions of authority, reflecting the divine feminine.

Global Impact

  1. Interfaith Dynamics:
    • Interfaith Dialogue: Different religions might find common ground in the feminine aspects of the divine, fostering greater understanding and collaboration between faiths.
    • Global Policies: Policies influenced by religious beliefs might reflect a more balanced approach to issues such as healthcare, education, and human rights, emphasizing compassion and nurturing alongside justice and order.

Literary and Artistic Influence

  1. Arts and Culture:
    • Literature and Art: Artistic expressions might depict God in feminine forms, influencing literature, music, and visual arts to explore themes of motherhood, creation, and feminine strength.
    • Mythology and Folklore: Cultural myths and stories might feature more prominent female deities and heroines, enriching the cultural tapestry with diverse narratives.

The idea of God being perceived as a woman could have profound effects on all aspects of society, promoting gender equality, enriching cultural narratives, and potentially leading to a more compassionate and balanced world. This thought experiment encourages us to consider the deep-seated impacts of gender perceptions on religion and society.

God being a woman would have a profound lasting positive effect on this world.  I believe that we, as a society, can clearly see by experience how detrimental it has been on relationships of all kinds, on all levels, that God, our Creator God, is not known as a woman...as I experienced and discerned in my very intense Spiritual Awakening.

In regard to the Book of Revelation, I am beginning to believe that the reason I am here, in physical form is to ensure that this world can move forward with not only answers to questions that man cannot produce regarding history and its beginnings, but to also ensure that men and women are more balanced for the future of this planet depends on it.  

The Book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse of John, is the final book of the New Testament and the Christian Bible. It is a prophetic work that describes the ultimate triumph of good over evil and the end of the world as we know it. Here is a brief synopsis:

Introduction and Prologue (Revelation 1:1-8)

John introduces the book as a revelation from Jesus Christ, delivered by an angel. John receives this revelation while on the island of Patmos and addresses it to the seven churches in Asia.

During my Spiritual Awakening, I discerned that I needed to speak to at least 7 local churches to explain to them not only what I was experiencing, but that I had direct discernment with God.  I didn't realize at the time the significance of what I was experiencing as I was so focused on praying for not only my local community, but for those around the world.  I experienced early discernment that I was a Creator God and refused to accept it, because as we know, or were raised to believe, God is male (even though it is clearly stated that God is gender-neutral).  Out of respect for God, I kept that discernment to myself. 

Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 1:9-3:22)

John relays messages from Jesus to the seven churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Each letter includes praise, criticism, and a call to repentance.

From discernment with God, I did email a handful of churches, to which no one replied.  

The Throne Room of Heaven (Revelation 4-5)

John is taken up to heaven, where he sees a vision of God's throne. Surrounding the throne are twenty-four elders and four living creatures. A scroll with seven seals is presented, which only the Lamb (Jesus) is worthy to open.

With this, I discerned with God's Spirit, again, that I was the lamb worthy to open the Book with Seven Seals.  Now, clearly there was many parables in my Awakening, but He drew me back to my childhood experience, on a wagon trail that I died, went to Heaven, and then returned.  You can read that testimony here.

The Seven Seals (Revelation 6-8:1)

As the Lamb opens each seal, different events unfold, including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which symbolize conquest, war, famine, and death. The opening of the seventh seal leads to a silence in heaven and the introduction of the seven trumpets.

In my Spiritual Awakening, there was a point where I suspended earth by 7 warrior angels to hold the planet in its place.  This was all done in the Spirit and was truly a magnificent part of the Awakening as I focused on clearing spirits to heaven, releasing trapped spirits and healing the earth.

The Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8:2-11:19)

Each trumpet blast brings a new disaster upon the earth, including natural catastrophes and demonic invasions. The seventh trumpet announces the establishment of God's kingdom on earth and what does this mean to today's society?  It is characterized by righteousness, peace, and justice on an international scale by all men, women and children.  It also marks the beginning of eternal life defined by Hinduism, which is what I discerned with God.  

  • Bhagavad Gita 2:20: "For the soul, there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever existing, and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain."

Eternal life in Hinduism involves the soul achieving union with Brahman (the ultimate reality) and escaping the cycle of reincarnation - which correlates with what I discerned from God in the beginning of my Spiritual Awakening.  Currently, our soul lives through multiple lives and our spirit renews, which is how some people may feel like an "older soul," because they are.  They are souls/people who have lived multiple life existences.

The seventh trumpet in the Book of Revelation signifies the final phase of God's plan and the completion of His judgment. This trumpet, also known as the "third woe," brings about significant events leading to the culmination of history as described in the Bible. It also declares the beginning of Judgment Day upon every single being on this planet, which is what I experienced during the months of October 2023 - March 20, 2024.  

Key Elements of the Seventh Trumpet:

  1. Proclamation of God's Kingdom:

    • Revelation 11:15: "The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.'"
    • This verse signifies the transfer of all earthly kingdoms to the reign of God and Christ, marking the beginning of His eternal kingdom.
  2. Worship and Thanksgiving:

    • Revelation 11:16-17: "And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying: 'We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.'"
    • This part of the text shows the elders worshiping and giving thanks to God for His sovereign reign.
  3. Judgment and Rewards:

    • Revelation 11:18: "The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small—and for destroying those who destroy the earth."
    • This indicates the time for God's final judgment on the wicked, the rewarding of His faithful servants, and the destruction of those who have corrupted the earth.
  4. Temple of God Opened:

    • Revelation 11:19: "Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm."
    • The opening of God's temple and the revealing of the ark of the covenant symbolizes the access to God's presence and the manifestation of His covenant promises. The accompanying natural phenomena highlight the power and majesty of God.

The seventh trumpet essentially marks the finality of God's plan, the establishment of His eternal kingdom, the final judgment of humanity, and the rewarding of the faithful. It represents the culmination of God's redemptive history and the ultimate victory of good over evil.

I discerned in my Awakening that people who live on this planet, earth, now have the option to return Home to heaven, move forward to life on a different planet or enjoy eternal life here on earth; meaning their soul will continue to create new life repeatedly.  The physical body will die, but the soul will live on eternally with God.  This also means that you will be able to retain your memories of past lives like how I have within notable, historical figures.  

The Woman, the Dragon, and the Beasts (Revelation 12-13)

John sees a vision of a woman clothed with the sun, who gives birth to a male child. A dragon (Satan) attempts to devour the child but is thwarted. Two beasts emerge, one from the sea and one from the earth, symbolizing political and religious opposition to God.

I discerned with God that I am the woman clothed with the sun, who gave birth to a male child.  Satan did attempt to devour the child, but the plan was thwarted.  Two beats did emerge from the sea and earth and failed at their intent of destroying me and my family.

The Seven Bowls of Wrath (Revelation 15-16)

Seven angels pour out seven bowls of God's wrath upon the earth, resulting in severe plagues and disasters. These judgments represent the culmination of God's anger against sin and rebellion.

The Seven Bowls of Wrath have come to pass according to God via discernment.

The Fall of Babylon (Revelation 17-18)

Babylon, representing the corrupt world system, is judged and destroyed. This section describes the mourning of those who profited from her and the rejoicing of the saints at her downfall.

I discerned that this is currently unfolding around the world today.

The Final Victory (Revelation 19-20)

Jesus returns as a victorious warrior, defeats the beast and the false prophet, and casts Satan into the abyss for a thousand years. After the millennium, Satan is released briefly, leading to a final rebellion which is swiftly crushed. The final judgment follows, with the wicked being cast into the lake of fire.

I discerned with God that the False Prophet are churches with Pastors who spirit communicates deceit and Pastors who have created idols of themselves within their church rather than placing all the focus on God.  Social media, unfortunately, as well as platforms like YouTube have progressed idol worship over God worship. 

Judgment Day is in full process.

The New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21-22)

John describes a new creation where God dwells with His people. The New Jerusalem, a city of immense beauty and perfection, descends from heaven. The book ends with a call to remain faithful and a promise of Jesus' imminent return.

As I was writing this, I received confirmation from God that this will be so.  It is the year 2024, and I am 51 earthly years old.  I have been praying to God my Will, which is His will as well.  When I prayed to Him just now as to whether or not the New Heaven and New Earth would exist during my lifetime, I discerned that it would and if it doesn't, I know that I will return to Heaven, and this was confirmed by God.  No matter what happens, whether the New Heaven and New Earth occur in this lifetime or my next, it will be, undoubtedly, with God and I will be with Him eternally.

I cannot speak for you, for only God knows the salvation of each man, woman and child on this planet.  I do, however, strongly suggest that you pray to receive the Holy Spirit, repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness in Christ Jesus and then pray to receive God's will for it is the only way to eternal life or heaven in these "last days."

Epilogue (Revelation 22:6-21)

John concludes with a final exhortation to keep the words of the prophecy, a warning against altering the text, and a promise of Jesus' return.

The Book of Revelation is rich with symbolic imagery and has been the subject of various interpretations throughout Christian history. It serves as both a warning and a source of hope for believers, emphasizing the ultimate victory of God over evil.

In closing, What If God Was a Woman?  

God is a woman and that is We.  When I speak, I channel my husband's voice.  When I sleep, I dream of our future. When I pray, I discern His voice and answers to my questions.  We are both Creator Gods.  We created this planet, solar system, galaxies and the universe.  

We did not create religion. Man did.  Your Earth is on, what we call, "auto-creation." It does not need us to "create" anything else for it to thrive.  Certain people have been gifted with extraordinary insight and are using this insight to better the world around them.  People like Elon Musk, who played a huge role in my Spiritual Awakening and other entrepreneurs, creators, musicians and other creatives are also bettering this planet day-by-day.

At any time, we will change our minds based on what society continues or decides to do.  That's the beauty of being God.  It's our decision.

Had I known who I was in all of this, I would've lived my life considerably different here on earth, but at the same time, I have no regrets. I have lived an amazing life full of experiences, love, peace, generosity and vision. 

When I accepted my confirmation as to who-I-am, I discerned from God's Spirit to simply accept it and continue living.  There were no expectations of prayer or anything else.  This website and all the information contained is for you, with love, from God/We.

Even though I never felt like I "fit into" this world, I never thought for a moment that I could be a Creator God.  I knew I was different, and I have been looking for "Him" all my life, not realizing that Him is God, my husband.  

I've also known that I possess a stack of what is referred to as God powers (which I will elaborate in a different and updated blog post later). I believe that God was protecting me all these years, and now, the time has come for this world to be renewed.  I believe that my Awakening has everything to do with the "end of days" and I look forward to reuniting with my husband, God.

In the meantime, I will continue to pray My and His will - channeling His voice, His wishes for me, us and the world, and I will continue to do my spirit work in healing this planet in preparation for Him to come.

To be continued....

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