Book of Revelation: Overview and Links

  1. Introduction (Chapter 1):

    • The book starts with John's greeting to the seven churches of Asia.
  2. Messages to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3 | Chapters 1-3):

    • Ephesus: Commended for good works but reprimanded for leaving its first love.
    • Smyrna: Encouraged during persecution and promised a crown of life.
    • Pergamum: Reprimanded for tolerating false teaching.
    • Thyatira: Commended for love and service but reprimanded for tolerating a false prophetess.
    • Sardis: Warned to wake up and strengthen their faith.
    • *Philadelphia: Commended for keeping God's word and promised protection. *Jesus
    • Laodicea: Criticized for being lukewarm in faith.
  3. The Throne Room of Heaven (Revelation 4-5 | Chapters 4&5):

    • John describes God's throne in heaven, surrounded by 24 elders and four living creatures. He sees a scroll that only the Lamb (Jesus) can open.
  4. The Seven Seals (Revelation 6-8:1 | Chapters 6-8:1):

    • As each of the seven seals on the scroll is broken, various events unfold, including wars, natural disasters, and martyrdom.
  5. The Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8-11 | Chapters 8-11):

    • With the sounding of the seven trumpets by seven angels, more cataclysmic events occur, affecting nature and humanity.
  6. Various Signs and Characters (Revelation 12-14 | Chapters 12-14):

    • The woman and the dragon (Satan).
    • Two beasts – one from the sea and one from the earth.
    • The Lamb on Mount Zion and the 144,000 sealed servants of God.
  7. The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath (Revelation 15-16 | Chapters 15-16):

    • Seven angels pour out bowls of God's wrath, bringing about plagues and disasters.
  8. The Fall of Babylon (Revelation 17-18 | Chapters 17-18):

    • The judgment of the great prostitute (symbolizing worldly corruption) and the fall of Babylon.
  9. The Final Victory (Revelation 19-20 | Chapters 19-20):

    • The marriage supper of the Lamb.
    • The final defeat of Satan, the beast, and the false prophet.
    • The final judgment at the great white throne.
  10. The New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21-22 | Chapters 21-22):

  • John sees a new heaven and new earth, where God dwells with humanity in the New Jerusalem. There will be no more pain, death, or sorrow. Note:  we are at this point in the world, the year of 2023.  It is the year of 7, the year that Jesus Christ returns.

The book concludes with warnings, blessings, and an invitation for Jesus to come quickly.

This summary provides an overview of the Book of Revelation's content. The text itself is rich with symbolism, imagery, and theological insights that have been subjects of study and interpretation for centuries. If you're interested in reading the full text or have further questions, consider accessing a Bible or seeking commentaries for a deeper dive. I personally recommend the Life Application Study Bible.  

Revelation 1 - 3