Fruits of the Spirit, Tree of Life and River of Life | Revelation 22:2
Originally written on January 1, 2024, and edited today, May 18, 2024.
I want to highlight that these notes were originally created in Notes on my iPhone; all my blogs were. I had discerned with the Holy Spirit that any note I wanted to create - the words that came up in auto-text, could literally be from the Spirit. Since I am a faithful Believer, I believe anything can happen with the power of God.
This note is extensive and is one of those notes where I literally let the Holy Spirit lead me (as for the rest of my notes). That is also how a lot of my conversations come from, is literally texting and discerning the Holy Spirit so I could document my experience in real-time. *This particular note, however, also has a lot of text from the Kabbalah (authors cited below).
I share these notes, like all the others, to show everyone around the world that the Holy Spirit and God are real.
The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them:
- charity
- joy
- peace
- patience
- kindness
- goodness
- generosity
- gentleness
- faithfulness
- modesty
- self-control
- chastity
Water of Life - is me constantly thinking and talking/praying to to God about God, the Bible and other aspects of creation and life from a God's perspective. I discerned that I was also a *Fertility Goddess who has been blessed with many other things that have come to me in this universe that have been brought forth from my heart and soul. *This was a strong theme in my Spiritual Awakening (see Asherah).
Love is my greatest strength in this universe because of my own strength and ability to overcome.
The Tree of Life is my strength in this life because of my ability to overcome the darkness. Jesus is the Tree of Life which offers eternal life to those written in the Book of Life.
The Tree of Life is a beautiful tree that is a symbol of life and is the only source of happiness and joy for those who live in this world. The most powerful and beautiful tree of nature has been created by Jesus Christ who is also known for the ability to create a perfect world for all of mankind by using his/her natural resources. Those in the Book of Life may eat freely from the Tree of Life and live happily ever after. The most important part of this is the ability to eat freely in the Garden of Life as long as you live with your loved one(s) and not just for the sake of living or their family members who have no obligation to live happily ever after. This means you can choose between Eating or Drinking freely in a space that has been occupied by your own body. *Again, this is discernment of the Holy Spirit and interpretation of speech via taking notes on my iPhone Journal.
Since the earliest ties between humans and oaks, a very strong symbolic image of oaks has developed in which these trees have become associated with longevity, strength, stability, endurance, fertility, power, justice and honesty. *I live in a part of the world where there are numerous oak trees.
Referencing the Book of Revelation 22:2:
"In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
The answer is simple and complex. Bearing fruit means you are a Christian representing a changed, saved life. Because you have been saved by God, you are filled with His Holy Spirit, and in Him you become more Christlike.
They lived in fear of people, rather than faith in God. They were blinded by their pride and self-righteousness. as long as they held onto their pride, they could not bear the fruits of repentance, faith, obedience, relationship and participation. These are the fruits that God wants us to produce.
Revelation 22:2 is a scripture of parables. The fruit of the verse IS repentance, faith, obedience, relationship and participation.
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (not fruits), is a biblical term that sums up nine attributes of a person or community living in accord with the Holy Spirit, according to Chapter 5 of the Epistle to the Galatians: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace."
If I stay focused on God, and mankind stays focused on Jesus Christ, then the fruit yielded by the Tree of Life will be love, joy, peace and happiness in this life.
Jesus said that he is the vine and we are his branches. So not only do you eat from this tree, you're invited to become a part of it, helping produce its fruit, so that his life and love can spread through us to others.
The Real Meaning of the Tree of Life According to God: In the book of Genesis, man is likened to the Tree of Life, whose feet stand on the ground and whose head rises to the heavens. According to Kabbalah, God is infinite and inconceivable, but nevertheless, with the help of Sefirot, one can try and understand the forms in which He is revealed in the world. In many places the Sefirot are described as a kind of "pipes" that connect our world to God and through them passes the divine abundance.
The Tree of Life chart has a hidden and deep meaning that is a source of endless inspiration and knowledge. The Tree of Life is one of the symbols most identified with sacred geometry - the seed of life, the flower of life and the golden section.
The Tree of Life has a male side, which is the right side - crown, wisdom, kindness, beauty, eternity and a female side, which is the left side - understanding, severity, splendor, foundation and kingship.
The three upper sefirot - crown, wisdom and understanding - are named the 'head.' They differ from the other lower sefirot in their energy due to them being the center from which the divine abundance descends to the lower sefirot. The lower seven sefirot correspond to the Ushpizin (holy guests): Chesed (kindness) - Avraham Avinu, Gevura (severity) - Yitzchak, Tiferet (beauty) - Yaakov, Netzach (eternity) - Moshe, Hod (splendor) - Aharon, Yesod (foundation) - Yosef, Malchut (kingship) - David. The seven lower sefirot against seven metals: silver - kindness, gold - severity, copper - beauty, tin - eternity, lead - splendor, living sliver - foundation, iron - kingship.
The structure of the tree:
- The right - pillar of kindness - eternity, kindness and wisdom.
- The left - pillar of judgment - understanding, severity and splendor.
Center - Crown, beauty, foundation, kingship. The center connects the right (male) column to the left (female) column and allows flow between them. Mating, love, fertility and creation. It can be said that the tree of the sefirot serves as a kind of map describing the whole act of creation down to the smallest details in human life.
Crown - Represents divine providence and abundance. Expresses the divine will and the connection to the infinite.
Wisdom - receives the light from the crown sefira, is the initial expression of the energy coming out of the crown and gives order and definition to form initial ideas. Wisdom is the starting point of new ideas and inspiration.
Understanding - fed by wisdom, is the embodiment of wisdom, it takes the idea created in wisdom and tries to determine how it can be realized in reality.
Kindness (Abraham) - brings the divine good and infinite abundance to the world, without reckoning and without reduction. represents the immense power of boundless love, charity and the connection to the spirituality.
Severity (Isaac) - Along with the sefirot chessed (kindness), heroism is called sefirat HaDin (judgement), its role is to serve the heart and balance the power, abundance and giving that comes from kindness. Severity represents the emotional reduction and presents practical evidence, thus balancing giving with receiving.
Beauty (Yaakov) - connects the opposing forces in the sefirot of kindness and severity to create harmony between judgement and mercy. Represents the wholeness of the soul at its unified level, serves as a balance between masculinity and femininity, between the stormy and the quiet, connects us to inner feelings and illustrates the beauty and wholeness in our world.
Eternity (Moses) – its location is below the count of kindness. Eternity serves as a conduit for the transfer of abundance to the world in which we live, expressing eternity and the constant knowledge and information rooted in man. Contains faith and doubt.
Splendor (Aaron) – Under severity, a material application of thought processes. In essence, it reduces all desires to precise action, with emphasis on cost-benefit considerations.
Foundation (Yosef) – This sefira represents the connection between heaven and earth, from idea to deed. It gathers insights and considerations and flows everything into the kingship sefira. This sefira instills in us the desire to live and absorb the pleasures of life and is the one that affects our sex life.
Kingship (David) – completes all ten sefirot, represents the material world and material doing. This is where everything takes in a real and physical form. Kingship is polar to the crown and represents the foundation of the earth, the here and now.
The ten sefirot are worlds within a world, each of the sefirot represents the full balance in the universe and in man, mentally and physically.
Credits: Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag Baal HaSulam, Sefer Hatzira- the Book of Creation Sefer Shaarei Ora- introductory chapters in understanding Kabbalah and its symbols – Gershom Shalom