May 26, 2024 | God's Daily Reflection: Luke 19:1-10
Day 4:40 of the 40 Days and 40 Nights of Fasting and I already have more energy and focus on writing than ever before.
I write what God lays on my heart and what I discern from Him. Then I share it across my social media. This is not the norm for me.....I have never been so passionate about sharing an experience or passion for God than I do in these days, however, I just feel that it's so important. Especially now. What's been revealed to me is so important for the present and future of this world and all people.
Each day, I pulled out a Daily reading and placed it on my refrigerator as a reminder of how much God loves me; how much He loves us all.
This is today's reading:
It's such a blessing to see the Lord at work in your life...answering prayers, fulfilling hopes, granting dreams. And I'm praying that He will continue leading your faithfully.
You refresh my life. You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths. Psalm 23:3 CEV
God's Daily Reflection ~
Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 And [a]there was a man called by the name of Zaccheus; he was a chief tax collector and he was rich. 3 Zaccheus was trying to see who Jesus was, and he was unable due to the crowd, because he was short in stature. 4 So he ran on ahead and climbed up a [b]sycamore tree in order to see Him, because He was about to pass through that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” 6 And he hurried and came down, and received Him [c]joyfully. 7 When the people saw this, they all began to complain, saying, “He has gone in [d]to be the guest of a man who is a sinner!” 8 But Zaccheus stopped and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, half of my possessions I am giving to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone, I am giving back four times as much.” 9 And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”